The Love and Luck Podcast

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Episode 10 - Ethics 101

[Dial tone]


ROSLYN: You've reached the Love and Luck Podcast.





JASON: Morning babe - or, well, actually, it's afternoon now, but I just woke up, so it counts as morning to me. There's like, at least an hour or so after waking up that counts as morning no matter what time of day it is, in my opinion.

You've successfully hoovered my hangover again, so thank you for that.

And... I know what you mean, about it not being scary to feel each other like that. I mean, I'm not scared of these weird arse powers anyway, I think they're cool as hell - but feeling super connected to you doesn't feel like any kind of particularly unusual magic. Like you said... it just feels natural.

It makes me wonder sometimes if there's really magic in those moments or if we're just... feeling really intimate, you know? But... I've never felt anything like it before, and the way my brain feels in those moments feels kind of like how my brain feels when we do... whatever it is that we do. But then again, I've never had a boyfriend I felt as comfortable with as you before, so... maybe I'm just misunderstanding something about basic intimacy because of my previously shitty taste in men.

Well, anyway... I'm really glad we have this magic stuff, real or not. I'm really glad we have each other.



KANE: Hey, yeah... I don't think that it's not magic when we feel connected like that. I mean... I've never felt anything like it before either. And I definitely have felt really close to people, or really connected to people before. But not in the really tangible way that I do with you. When we're together like that, it's... it's so different from any other kind of intimacy I've ever felt. Like you said... it feels different in the brain. My skin feels different, too. I feel like the line between us blurs a bit. Not enough to merge or anything... also, heaven forbid, do not let us become that couple that turns into clones of each other.

But yeah, it's definitely different. Not like normal intimacy.

I don't know. I'm still kind of thrown by all this... even just the possibility of all this, let alone the reality of it. I worry that we might hurt each other or someone else accidentally by playing around with all this. But it's not like anyone's gotten hurt by anything we've done so far, and certainly no one gets hurt when we soothe each other - quite the opposite. So maybe... maybe it's okay, whatever it is. I don't know.



JASON: Hey. It's really nice that you worry about us hurting people with this stuff, but like you said, nothing bad has happened so far. It's not like we're trying to make people spill coffee on themselves or something. Supermarket dickheads and their soft drinks notwithstanding.

I think we should try and use it more. Experiment with it. Practise. Try and learn a bit about what exactly we can affect and what our limits are, that kind of thing. Knowledge never hurt anyone, right?



KANE: [Amused] I'm pretty sure the Garden of Eden story has opinions about whether knowledge hurts people, but... [Sighs] I mean, I guess you're right. Your point is valid.

I don't know. I just worry that there's going to be some kind of massive karmic payoff for all this, you know? Isn't that a thing in magic?



JASON: Babe, if you're worried about karma, I think "doing nice things for people" probably covers you from that angle.

I don't know, I mean, if you're that worried about it maybe we should ask someone, or google this shit or something.



KANE: I've already been googling, ever since this first started happening. Didn't find much, just a lot of new age sites about ‘manifesting desire' and stuff like that.

Which... I don't know, this doesn't really feel like that. I mean, I say that as if I have any idea what ‘manifesting' feels like at all, which I clearly don't, but... at the same time, I also feel pretty sure that whatever this is, it's not ‘manifesting'.

Manifesting sort of conjures up associations of making something out of nothing, you know? Which... I really don't think we're doing that. We seem to be affecting probability more than anything else. [Sighs] I don't know. I really do wish we could ask someone about this.



KANE: Oh, before I forget - I've lined up some apartments for us to look at tomorrow. Come stay at my place tonight so we can get up and head out first thing, yeah?



JASON: Hell yeah, I'm pretty excited to go house hunting with you. See you tonight babe. Love you.



ROSLYN: Love and Luck is written by Erin Kyan, and produced by Passer Vulpes Productions. Kane is voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne. Jason is voiced by Erin Kyan. Credits spoken by Roslyn Quin. Recorded by Kermie Breydon.

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