Episode 33 - Jason's 30th Birthday

[Dial tone]


ROSLYN: You've reached the Love and Luck Podcast.





KANE: Good morning honey. You're still asleep and beautiful. Also, you're not allowed in the office area out back today, something that I will repeat when I see you in person, so you can't just wander in and go "oh no, but I didn't know, I didn't get your message".

Victor and I are spending some time planning your birthday party today. So stay out in the front area of the bar where you can't get into trouble.



JASON: [Jokingly] I can't believe you shooed me out of my own office and accused me of sneaking! I am an innocent soul who just needed to check some paperwork! And yes, maybe I don't remember exactly which paperwork, and yes, maybe I was being particularly quiet, but to accuse me of stealth? And eavesdropping? Like some kind of spy? I am wounded. My heart is broken that you would even think that I would stoop to such a low, low place as to try and sneakily find out what you're planning for my 30th birthday. Absolutely heartbroken. You've hurt me. Hurt me right in my soul.



JASON: Kane, I can see you a little bit when I duck into the kitchen. I can see you and Victor talking, I want to know what you're planning! Tell me!



JASON: You both just started laughing. Was it good laughing or bad laughing? What are you laughing about? Tell me what's so funny, Kane!



JASON: [Whiny] Kaaaaaane!! Tell me what you're planning!



JASON: I cannot believe that you and Victor decided to do all this planning in person, with his physical notes, that he takes with him, instead of in texts or emails like normal people, just so I can't find out what you're doing!!

You may be asleep right now, but don't think that I haven't figured you out, mister. You're some kind of sneaky, evil mastermind. Sneaky and evil, I tell you. I cannot believe that I thought you were the mild mannered one in this relationship.



JASON: Kane, tell me what you're planning for my birthday.



KANE: Oh my god, you're such a brat. Just wait and see, brat. You'll find out what we're doing for your birthday when your birthday arrives.



JASON: [Whiny] But I wanna know nowwwww!!!



JASON: Did I ever tell you that I love you more than anything else? In the whole word? And also that I think you're the most generous and kind person I've ever met? And also, I know that you love me more than anything else in the world.

And that's why you should tell me what you're planning for my birthday.



JASON: Kane, tell me!!



KANE: I'm not telling you. But I promise that you'll like it.



MIRA: Hey Papa Bear, it's Mira. We've been working really hard on the cake for Jason's birthday - or, well, cakes plural, I guess. The edible one and the cardboard one. Both of them are going really well, and will be all ready in plenty of time. See you Saturday!



VICTOR: Hey Papa Bear, Victor here reporting in! All the performers are confirmed for Saturday. I had to jiggle the lineup a bit, but it's still a really good bunch of people, and Jason has seen all of them as some point and liked them, so that part of things is all done and ready! It's going to be a great night!



VICTOR: Hey Papa Bear, I've just had a bunch of last minute RSVPs trickle in. We're still below capacity, thankfully, but only just. Good thing Jason likes crowds.

Also, I picked up the chocolate fountain today, and confirmed the photo booth hire with my mate, and I've still got time to go pick up an inflatable kiddie pool if you still wanna do the lube wrestling. Just let me know.



HELEN: Hi Papa Bear, it's Helen. I just finished the last decoration, so they're all ready to go! I'll put them up tomorrow morning while Jason's still asleep.

Oh, and Jason's been barred from my room all night so I could finish up, so don't worry, he hasn't seen any of them.



JASON: It's 12:01am, which means it's officially my birthday now, and you are, once again, cruel and evil for making me go to sleep tonight and not get any birthday things until I wake up tomorrow, which is technically still today.

[laughs] I can't even keep up the fake wounded thing right now. I love you. I'm so happy to be with you. Honestly, this life we've built together is the best gift I could have gotten, anyway. And yeah, I know that's cheesy, but whatever, it's true. You're the best. You're the best of luck in the Best of Luck Bar. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. Or... today. Whatever.



KANE: [sings] For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow! And so say all of us! [Stops singing] Or, well, just me I suppose. All of us will say so later on today.

[Chuckles] It's officially your birthday now, particularly since you went to bed like a good boy. When you wake up you'll find a present for you on the bed in my spot. I hope you like it! Happy birthday!

I love you so, so much, and I'm really excited to throw you your party tonight. I know you're going to love it.



JASON: Well, it's 5am, and the last of the partiers are crashing on the floor downstairs, and I am just outside to get some fresh air and leave you a voicemail before I go back in and head up to bed and cuddle up to you.

This has been the best birthday I have ever had. Everything was perfect. I had so much fun, and and everyone else seemed to have so much fun too, and... god, this really was just... just perfect. Thank you. Thank you for this birthday, thank you for this bar, thank you for your love, thank you for this life. I am so happy to be with you. I love you so much.



JASON: Oh, one more thing - you jumping out of a cardboard cake for me was great, but it also lead to my one criticism for the evening. The fact there was no frosting to lick off you was a dire disappointment to me. So we will have to fix that next time.



ROSLYN: Love and Luck is written by Erin Kyan, and produced by Passer Vulpes Productions. Kane is voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne. Jason is voiced by Erin Kyan. Victor is voiced by Darby Turnbull. Mira is voiced by Tahlia Celenn. Helen is voiced by Yuki Izumi. Credits spoken by Roslyn Quin. Recorded by Kermie Breydon.

For more information about Love and Luck, check out our website, loveandluckpodcast.com. You can also find us on facebook as Love and Luck Podcast, and follow us on twitter, at @LoveLuckPodcast.