The Love and Luck Podcast

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Episode 37 - Beacon

ROSLYN: This episode of Love and Luck contains references to homophobic violence. Please, take care of yourself.

[Dial tone]


ROSLYN: You've reached the Love and Luck Podcast.





JASON: Hey babe. I'm back downstairs again like a good worker bee. I actually stayed upstairs with you for a bit longer even after you went back to sleep, just to make sure you didn't wake up instantly again with another panic attack. I hope you sleep that one off and feel a lot better tomorrow.

I love you. I hate that this stuff is scaring you. Seriously, I would fucking end these arseholes that have been peppering hate around our neighbourhood if I knew who they were, I swear to god.

You know... you keep saying that you're weak for not being able to handle this shit, but Kane... no one handles this stuff well. Knowing people want us dead isn't exactly the state of affairs that makes us feel all calm and well adjusted. I mean... shit, that's the reason why we're both tiring ourselves out trying to keep the bar a safe and soothing place, you know? Everyone is scared. Everyone.

And... fuck, you're braver than most, in my opinion. Even with your anxiety trouble, you're still looking after people and making cupcakes and soothing fears, no matter how stressed or afraid you are yourself. That's... you're so amazing, you know that? You don't give yourself enough credit. This is exactly why everyone calls you Papa Bear. Because you look after everyone like this.

I love you. And I'm here when you're tired from looking after everyone else, okay? I'm always here for you. I'm here to look after you.



KANE: Hey... so, I cried a little when I got your message this morning. Good crying though, don't worry.

I love you. You make me feel so safe. I feel like I couldn't be even half the person I am without you. The fact you think so much of me is just... I can't even express it. The fact you support me like you do is just... beyond anything I would ever have expected. You're... you're just the most incredible, supportive boyfriend I could imagine. Thank you for everything. I love you so much.



JASON: Hey babe. You seemed to get to sleep better tonight. I'm glad.

I know you don't want me out homophobe hunting again, so, well, I'm not. But... I feel like I can't do just nothing, you know? So I'm trying to strengthen the wards more and... add some stuff.

At the moment, we just soothe and protect people in here. But that's... not enough right now, I think. Apparently the posters have resurfaced, and people are still afraid, and people who have never heard of us at the moment might need us as a sanctuary at some point.

So... I'm going to try something. I'm going to try and use magic to draw people here who might need us, who might need this space. Like... some kind of magical beacon. Something that makes people feel, intuitively, that they'll be safe here, that they can come here if they need somewhere to be.

We can be a ray of light through this, for people like us. We can protect them. We do protect them, and we will protect them. We just need to reach out to the people that don't know they need us yet.



KANE: The bar feels... sharp, this morning. Bright.

I love you for a lot of reasons and this is one of them. I try to comfort people, but my thinking shorts out around there. You think to bring people here who need comfort. I try to soothe people from harm they've suffered, but you try to put an end to the cause.

I love you, and I love the Best of Luck Bar. It's our home, but it's so much more. It's the home I always wanted to have... one that has room and care for anyone who needs it, one that has a family in it that takes in whoever needs it, that looks out for each other and stands up for each other.

You're right. We can protect them. And we will.


[Dial Tone]



Hi, you've reached the Best of Luck Bar, a dry bar and social hub in St Kilda for the LGBTIQA+ community. Our opening hours are 9am to 3am every day except Monday, however, if there is an emergency, you can still come here outside those hours, as we, Jason and Kane, the owners, live upstairs above the bar.

If you feel unsafe for any reason, you can come here. We will look after you. We are a sanctuary for you in this time of bigotry. We're all in this together.



ROSLYN: Love and Luck is written by Erin Kyan, and produced by Passer Vulpes Productions. Kane is voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne. Jason is voiced by Erin Kyan. Credits spoken by Roslyn Quin. Recorded by Kermie Breydon.

For more information about Love and Luck, check out our website, You can also find us on facebook as Love and Luck Podcast, and follow us on twitter, at @LoveLuckPodcast.