Episode 79 - Sky High

[Dial tone]


ROSLYN: You've reached the Love and Luck Podcast.





STORM: Hey, Helen, it's Storm. Can I steal you away for tonight? There's somewhere I'd like to take you.



KANE: [Happy] Hey, Jason, guess what? Tom and Brandon finally - finally - found a wheelchair accessible apartment that they can afford!! And they're getting the keys tomorrow! Which is... really fast, but, well, sometimes that's how real estate goes, just happening all at once with no warning.

I told them we'd help them move, and Victor and Michael want to help too, so... guess we've got a big few days ahead of us.

Anyway, you know that sad empty nest feeling I got when Michael moved out? You should probably brace yourself, because I suspect you're going to have to nurse me through another phase of it.



KANE: Wait, did that last message sound like I'm not happy for them? Because I totally am very happy for them. I'm just also a big sook. I can be both!



JASON: Hey babe. Hope you're sleeping well.

I know it's sad to see the boys move out, but it'll be good for them to have their own space. And hey, that's another room free if we have anyone else who needs to crash, remember? I mean, hopefully we won't need it, but... if we do, then we've got it.

But yeah. I know it's sad to see them go, even if it's a good thing.

I love you. And Tom and Brandon do too, and they'll be back to hang out with us I'm sure, so don't feel like this is goodbye. It's just the end of an extended sleepover.



VICTOR: [Sternly] Jason, I'm calling to tell on Kane. He's been lifting heavy boxes even though we've told him that we can do it, and he probably shouldn't. If you can make him stop when you get up, that'd be very helpful.



JASON: So help me Kane, if you lift any more heavy things tomorrow instead of letting someone else do it, I'm going to chain you to the bed for a week. And not in a sexy fun kind of way. In a "bad dog" kind of way.

Wait, no, I said it wasn't going to be sexy. Cancel that last comment.



HELEN: Hey, it's me. Storm brought me up to a BNB in Olinda, and... now we're at Sky High, and I can see the whole city, and it's... it's so beautiful, Mira. It's so, so beautiful. The city lights make it look like a city of stars, and it's like I can feel the whole population bubbling with their own hopes and fears thoughts and....

[Wistful] And... I wish you were here.

I don't mean, like, instead of Storm or anything. I mean... I wish you were here with us.

Not like... [Flustered] Not like that. And I don't mean that I want you to be here all the time or anything.

I mean, I love my time with Storm. I love being with her, and the way she looks at me when we're together. Having her full attention on me is... really special.

But... for a moment like this? For something this beautiful? For something this special?

... I wish you were here with us.



STORM: Helen, I can see you on the phone, and I know you said you were going to make a call, but do you know what I just realized?

I realized that you are probably not talking to someone in real time. You're probably leaving a voicemail.

I'm not bothered by it, I think it's adorable. I like the way you smile to yourself when you do it.

And hey, if you ever want to leave me long voicemails like Jason and his beau do?

I'll be up for that.



STORM: [AMUSED, SWEETLY] Hey, Mira, I just wanted to say, if you like leaving messages like Helen does, or like Jason and Kane do? I'd be happy to receive some. I'd love to hear your thoughts any time you wanted to share them.

I just thought I'd tell you that explicitly, because Helen's leaving a message right now, and I suspect it's for you. And I have to say, I love it, I think it's adorable. I think you both are adorable. And I will take any excuse for more contact with or from either of you, in whatever form it may take.



HELEN: I don't have, like, the material for a long message right now, but...

STORM (off): [Laughs] You're going to leave me a message while I'm standing right here next to you?

HELEN: Yeah. Think of it like a voice selfie. We're marking the occasion with a voicemail.

STORM (off): [Cheeky] Oh, I see. So this is a special memory we're making?


STORM (off): [Sensually] Well, let's see if this can be picked up by your phone...



MIRA: [Emotional] Helen! I miss you. That message made me want to hug you for a thousand years.

I know what you mean, though. I don't, like... I don't want us to spend all our time together or anything, but... sometimes I have moments like that with Storm too. When she does something super romantic or super special and it's just like... those moments almost feel incomplete without you.

I hope that doesn't sound weird or something. I just... yeah. I know what you mean.



MIRA: [Cheeky] Well, you've done it now, Storm. Now you're going to get long boring voicemails from me every time I want to talk to you and you're not there. I hope you're ready for that.



STORM: [Joke-accusingly] Jason! You infected my girlfriends, they both leave sincere and emotional voicemails now!

[Sincerely] Thank you. I never would have expected to look forward to voicemails, but now, a voicemail probably means I get to hear one or both of my girls telling me something beautiful. That's a wonderful and unexpected surprise. You have transformed my relationship with my phone.

I hope everything is going well at the bar. I'll probably see you when I drop Helen home tomorrow.


[Cassette Noise]

JULIE: [Tired] Ugh, baby. I went shopping for you today. It was exhausting. I have to say, this was the first time in this whole process where I've been anything less than thrilled about you.

[Perking up] But! I got a bunch of things. Just the basics. A crib, some linens, a bassinet, a whole bunch of very boring cleaning things, and some baby clothes. I've still got a lot of things that I have yet to get, but this is a good start.

I'm not buying toys or anything fun like that just yet. I'm saving the fun shopping for when you're closer to term. Because from what I've heard, the last few weeks are hard as hell, and I'm gonna need something to keep my spirits up when you're kicking my insides around. So we'll get cute toys and things then. Oh, and booties! Booties are the cutest baby item. Those I am definitely saving for when I'm having a rough time.

[Exhausted] Uuuugggghhhh. I'm sorry, baby. I'm so tired. I gotta go sleep until I feel like a human again. I promise I'll try and make next week's recording more interesting.

Hey - I love you a whole lot though, okay? I love you hugely and deeply and nothing will ever stop me. Although we'll see how you feel about me in return after I've put you in this hideous banana onesie I got today. [Giggles]



ROSLYN: Love and Luck is written by Erin Kyan, and produced by Passer Vulpes Productions.

Kane is voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne. Jason is voiced by Erin Kyan. Julie is voiced by Nic Rummery. Storm is voiced by Creatrix Tiara. Helen is voiced by Ashe Connor. Mira is voiced by Tahlia Celenn. Victor is voiced by DL Turnbull. Credits spoken by Roslyn Quin. Recorded by Kermie Breydon and Eris Barnes.

Sky High is a real place just outside Melbourne, in the Dandenong Ranges. It’s very beautiful, and definitely a nice place for a romantic date. Learn more about it at skyhighmtdandenong.com.au. That’s sky high, M T D A N D E N O N G dot com dot AU.

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[Music fades out]