Episode 43 - Ricardo

ROSLYN: This episode of Love and Luck contains discussion of homophobic violence. Please, take care of yourself.

[Dial tone]


ROSLYN: You've reached the Love and Luck Podcast.





JASON: Kane, don't freak out when you get this message, okay? Listen all the way to the end before you have a panic attack.

I'm fine, but I'm at the hospital. I went outside to get some fresh air before I went to bed, and found this poor guy bleeding on the ground outside our bar. He wasn't super responsive, but I got his name - it's Ricardo - and he managed to tell me that some fucking arseholes starting beating him and shouting slurs and shit.

He got gay bashed, Kane. And the fuckers left him on our doorstep for us to find.

I called the ambos and sat with him till they arrived, trying to keep him awake, and now I'm here at the hospital waiting to see if he's going to be okay. He didn't want his family called, or any friends or boyfriends or anything so I just... I couldn't leave him alone. I couldn't. So I came with him.

I am fucking fuming. As if what happened to Michael wasn't enough... now this. These fuckers are clearly not going away with some gentle thoughts from us. This can't go on.

Can't do much about it right this second... I really want to make sure Ricardo's okay before I head home. So if I'm not there when you wake up, I'm probably still here at the hospital, okay? Don't worry, I am fine, I'm just sticking around to support Ricardo for a while. I love you.



KANE: Jesus fucking Christ, Jason, you could have woken me up for something like this! I nearly had a fucking heart attack when I listened to your voicemail! Look, just... I'm glad you're okay, but... fucking hell.

Do you want me to come to the hospital and bring anything, or something? Call me back as soon as possible, okay?



JASON: Shit, missed your call, sorry. I was taking a nap. Hospital chairs and floors are not super comfortable, and then on top of that there's a thousand beeping noises.

Don't worry about coming here. Stay at the bar and take care of people there. I've got this.

Oh, I gave Victor a call and asked if he could cover me tonight if I'm still here and he said yes, so, he might be around later today if it looks like that might happen.

I'm really sorry I scared you. I... you're right, I should have woken you. I wasn't thinking very clearly. I'm really sorry. I love you.



KANE: Hey... fuck, figures that the one time when we actually want to answer each other's calls we keep missing each other.

Sorry for snapping at you. I'm just... I was just scared. It makes sense that you weren't thinking clearly. Sorry.

I'll stay here, but keep me updated on the situation, okay? I love you.



JASON: Hey. It's okay. This is an upsetting thing... it's okay that we're both kinda fucked up about it.

I love you too. Ricardo's in surgery right now. The doctor said he should be okay though, so that's really good news.

Normally I wouldn't be allowed to stick around for him, since I'm not family or whatever, but... I'm the only person here for him, and he really doesn't want to call anyone. He got really upset about the idea of me leaving, when one of the nurses mentioned it. He had a panic attack, actually. I helped him through it okay, it wasn't exactly like when you have them, but I think having seen you go through them a lot it made it a bit easier for me to help him calm down.

Worst job experience ever, by the way. If I ever get good at this magic shit I'm going to figure out how to magic panic attacks away, and then I'm going to figure out how to bottle that spell and I'm going to sell it and become a zillionaire while making the world a better place all at the same time.

[sigh] Anyway... I'll try calling you again in an hour or so if I don't hear back from you soon. I love you so much. Hug Helen and Victor for me. Stay safe.



KANE: [Sighs] Missed you again. I've taken my phone off silent, hopefully I'll hear next time you call. Oh, and hugs delivered to Victor and Helen. It made them both smile pretty damn big, which was a nice pick me up. They miss you too.

I hope Ricardo's surgery goes okay. Let me know how things go.



JASON: Fucking hell. We're really having the worst luck with catching each other right now.

Ricardo's still in surgery, but I'll let you know when he's out.

Hey, you know that voicemail we got at the bar from Eileen? She said she might know who vandalized our bar? I'm guessing that whoever did that is the same group of shitheads who bashed Ricardo.

I know she said she'd drop in on Thursday, but I'm going to give her a call today and see if she can help us out. Text me her number when you get this?

We need to know who did this. We need to know who to hold responsible.

I love you. We'll talk soon.



JASON: Hi, Eileen? It's Jason Flint from the Best of Luck Bar, on my mobile. I'm just returning your call about the vandalism. We think the people responsible for that are also responsible for a gay bashing that happened just outside our bar. Anyway, if you can help us out at all, please return this call. My number is 0456 038 767. Thanks.



ROSLYN: Love and Luck is written by Erin Kyan, and produced by Passer Vulpes Productions. Kane is voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne. Jason is voiced by Erin Kyan. Credits spoken by Roslyn Quin. Recorded by Kermie Breydon.

For more information about Love and Luck, check out our website, loveandluckpodcast.com. You can also find us on facebook as Love and Luck Podcast, and follow us on twitter, at @LoveLuckPodcast.

Episode 42 - Repairs

[Dial tone]


ROSLYN: You've reached the Love and Luck Podcast.





JASON: Hey, I love you. I'm glad you're finally asleep.

I'm so angry at whoever did this. I swear if I ever find the fuckheads who vandalized us, I'll vandalize their fucking faces. How dare they threaten us like this. How dare they deface our home. Fuck!!

At least they didn't cause any structural damage, and they didn't come inside. I'm guessing our wards were a big part of that. I think we might need to put some more magic into them though, not just keeping harm out but repelling it away, too. I'll try and do some of that tonight before I come to bed.

I love you. I won't let this happen again.



KANE: [Low level anxious] Hey honey. Bruce is here, touching up the scuffs on the facade that we couldn't fix ourselves. I don't know how he heard about this, actually. I didn't call him. Maybe Victor did? I should ask.

Anyway... fuck, I can't wait for every last impression of this graffiti to be gone. It makes me upset just thinking about it... and I'm not alone in that, I think. I can see folks glancing over at the front of the bar with this worried expression. We're all a bit shellshocked. I don't think... I mean, the flyers were one thing, but I don't think we expected this type of thing to literally come to our front door. [Sighs]

Everyone is tense this morning. They're all putting on brave faces, things are going ahead as normal but... I don't know. This is just... it's just scary, I guess. It's one thing to be afraid of the world out there. But, to be afraid that it might come here... [sighs]

I can't really talk much about this, because there's people all around who could hear, but... yeah, thank you for what you did last night. I'll try and put some effort into it too, as well as the more mundane stuff.

I... I was going to make cupcakes again but I just don't think I have it in me, to be honest. I feel like my legs are stuck in mud. [Sighs] I don't know. I'm just... I'm pretty shook up, I guess.

I love you. See you when you get up.



KANE: [Emotional] Helen heard me leave that last voicemail for you, and so she made cupcakes for everyone since I didn't feel up to it. She drew a heart on one of them for me...

Michael is playing board games with the kids to distract them from the facade work. Tom is running some kind impromptu book club with some of the stitch and bitch regulars. Brandon and Victor are helping out Bruce, and Helen is going around clearing tables.

I really... I really love all these people. I mean, I love them all anyway, but it's easy to love people when things are easy. When things are hard, like now, to still have everyone looking after each other and supporting each other... I don't know. It's just... it's very special. I'm glad we did this. I'm very glad to be a part of this.



KANE: [Softly] Hey... bedtime voicemail as requested.

I feel a lot better tonight. This has been really scary but... everyone has been so good and uplifting, that I feel like... even if more bad things happen, we'll still be okay. We'll all look after each other. None of us are alone.

I think... when we began to take people in, when we began to treat Best of Luck Bar like a real sanctuary, not just a place to hang out... I think we forgot that sometimes we need support too. Sometimes we need a cupcake, or a hug, or a break. I began to think like... like we had to look after everyone, and that we somehow had to do that alone.

But... we're not alone. Everyone has been supporting us, and looking out for us, as much as we've been looking out for them. It's become this like, self fulfilling thing. We help people and then when we need help, they help us.

And I mean... today... all of today, all the good parts of today... happened without any magic. It was just us, and each other, all together. That's... [yawns] that's just really, really amazing and positive, you know?

Anyway... I'm going to sleep now. I love you. See you tomorrow.



EILEEN: Hello, my name is Eileen, I got your number off your website. I think I know who vandalized your property. I'll drop by on Thursday to talk to you about it, if that's all right - if not, just give me a call back and we'll organize another time. I'll drop you an email after leaving this message with my details.

[Uncertain, vulnerable] And... your voicemail greeting said you're a safe place, right? That you help people out? Because... I might need to take you up on that, once I tell you what I know.

Anyway... I'll see you Thursday, or will speak to you soon. Thankyou, Bye.



ROSLYN: Love and Luck is written by Erin Kyan, and produced by Passer Vulpes Productions. Kane is voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne. Jason is voiced by Erin Kyan. Eileen is voiced by Abigail Michell. Credits spoken by Roslyn Quin. Recorded by Kermie Breydon.

For more information about Love and Luck, check out our website, loveandluckpodcast.com. You can also find us on facebook as Love and Luck Podcast, and follow us on twitter, at @LoveLuckPodcast.

Episode 41 - Vandalism

[Dial tone]


ROSLYN: You've reached the Love and Luck Podcast.





JASON: Hey babe. So, I was gonna close up, but then a group came in looking really upset. They said the posters are back... with some new, even more horrible things written on them, too, and they've been posted a lot closer to the bar.

Soothed them with some magic as best I could, and I've settled them all in the lounge area so they can crash for the night if they want to, so they may well still be here when you get up in the morning.

I am fucking pissed. I'm going to go out and do a quick circle around the block and rip down any of those fucking posters I find before I head to bed. Tomorrow me and my nellies will do a bigger sweep. And if I come across any of the fuckheads who are putting them up, I swear to god I will fuck them up.



KANE: Hey. Folks are still pretty rattled this morning, unfortunately. I made everyone breakfast and I think I'm going to do free cupcakes again today. I know that seems to always be my fallback, but I just... I don't know. Cupcakes might not make anything better, but they're nice, and they're something I can do, so... yeah.

I've been strengthening the wards, too - added a couple more knots to the door twine, and been throwing around a little more weight when I remember. All together it all seems to be helping a little bit - people are scared, but they're still smiling and talking with each other, so that's something. At the moment it seems it's just the posters, no more bashings or anything, but... well. It's still pretty scary.

Michael is... doing as well as can be expected. He had a panic attack when he found out about the posters being closer to the bar this time. At least I'm kind of an expert in panic attacks, unfortunately, so I could help him through it. He's on edge, but he's having tea with Helen, and she's always such a gentle presence, I think he'll be okay.

I really wish we could somehow stop this. Like... I wish we could cut this off at the stem, rather than just... bandaging over all the fear. [Sighs]



KANE: Hey... bedtime voicemail again. Unprompted, this time, even. Because... [sighs] Look, I know you're going out after closing to take down posters, and that's fine. But just... be careful, okay? It scares me a little. I don't want anything bad to happen to you.



JASON: Hey babe. I'm home again, safe and sound. I mean... I guess by the time you listen to this I'll be in bed with you anyway so it'll be obvious, but... I don't know, I still feel like I should leave a message.

We took down a lot of posters tonight. I don't know if we got them all. I mean... probably not, I guess. But we took down a lot. Hopefully things will feel a bit safer again tomorrow.



KANE: God, it was a relief to wake up next to you this morning. My anxiety feels like it's just... I don't know. Not getting worse, necessarily, but I feel like my base level has risen in the last few weeks. [Sighs]

Anyway... things seem a little better today. People aren't coming in like they're getting out of a storm, they're just coming in to hang out, like normal.

I still... I don't know. I still feel very anxious about all of this. I feel like it's not over yet. Like we're just in the eye of the storm.

I really hope I'm just being paranoid and this isn't some kind of prophetic shit.



JASON: Hey, I was just reading this article online about cold brew coffee - should we consider offering that too, as well as espresso? Might be worth looking into.

I'm basically just leaving you this voicemail as a reminder, so I don't forget to look into this further, hah. I love you. See you tomorrow.



KANE: [Enthusiastic] Gooooood morning! Guess who just booked a hotel room for us as a belated anniversary celebration for tomorrow night? This guy!

Victor said he's happy to cover the late shift for you, and I mean, it's a Wednesday, so it wouldn't be too busy for him to handle alone. Helen said she'd open for us on Thursday morning, too, so we don't have to rush home from the hotel right away if we don't want to.

It's not a super fancy hotel or anything, but who cares - hotels are fun. Even if we just sit around and watch TV in our underwear, it's still somehow more fun in a hotel than doing it at home.

Anyway, I know I could have just told you when I saw you but I'm excited, so I wanted to leave you a message. Love you!



JASON: Hey babe. It's another quiet night tonight, no one's been in for like an hour now, and I'm kind of bored, to be honest. I've been playing games on my phone so much I had to bring a charger downstairs.

I'm pretty excited about the hotel tomorrow, though! I'm gonna do so many fucked up dirty things to you. But don't get your hopes up, I'm not telling you what they are in this message. I'll show you in person tomorrow instead.



KANE: [Teasing] Now who's the mean one in this relationship? Making me wake up to a message like that? You could have at least given me a taste, so I know what to look forward to.

Instead I'm just going to be serving morning tea to people and my imagination is going to run wild. So if I drop a cup or spill something on someone because I'm too preoccupied with your teasing, I'm blaming you.

I'm excited for tonight though, no matter how mean you are. Or maybe because of how mean you are.



JASON: [Softly] I know I should be trying to sleep, but it's still early by my body clock.

Leaving you a voicemail while you're sleeping in the same room as me is probably not the best choice I could be making, but I'm trying to be quiet, and you haven't moved or anything, so I figure I'm not bothering you.

Thank you for tonight. It's been really wonderful. I don't know why you keep apologising for it not being anything special... it's been really special. We hardly ever take intentional time out to be together and not do anything else, these days. Not that I don't love our everyday life, I do. I don't want it to change. But it's nice to have a holiday too, is all I'm saying.

Anyway... you just rolled over so I'm going to end this here so I don't wake you.

I love you, Kane. I love you very, very much.



VICTOR: [Nervous] Hey Jason... it's Victor. Um... there's not really an easy way to say this, so I'm just gonna... jump straight in.

I know Kane's going to be really upset about this, so that's why I called you instead of him, I figured you'd know how to break it to him without him getting distraught, you know?

I don't want him to freak out too badly about this but... well. Helen called me in tears when she opened this morning. Whoever's been posting those homophobic flyers around the area? They've clearly figured out that we've been ripping them down, or at least know we're a queer bar. Someone has spray painted hate speech and threats all over the Best of Luck's facade.

We're cleaning it up as fast as we can, but we're probably not going to be able to get it done before you get home. So... just giving you a heads up.

Sorry to ruin your morning. See you guys soon.



ROSLYN: Love and Luck is written by Erin Kyan, and produced by Passer Vulpes Productions. Kane is voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne. Jason is voiced by Erin Kyan. Victor is voiced by Darby Turnbull. Credits spoken by Roslyn Quin. Recorded by Kermie Breydon.

For more information about Love and Luck, check out our website, loveandluckpodcast.com. You can also find us on facebook as Love and Luck Podcast, and follow us on twitter, at @LoveLuckPodcast.

Episode 40 - Second Anniversary

[Dial tone]


ROSLYN: You've reached the Love and Luck Podcast.





KANE: Hey honey, I hope the construction isn't bothering your sleep too much this morning. Love you.



KANE: Hey, it just occurred to me, we can use our magic to soothe each other, right? Maybe we can also use it to help each other sleep? Can't hurt to try. Anything has got to be better than you needing emergency naps through the day during any moment of quiet.



KANE: Oh man, Helen just suggested that Michael should have an exhibition here and he said he was nervous about the idea but kind of into it, so I backed her up and he agreed to do it! I'm so glad!! It's going to be great!

... Shit, we're gonna have to check our budget, because I can promise you I'm going to want to buy at least one thing he's done.



JASON: Hey babe. We've had a pretty good night tonight, I just finished closing up now and am gonna head to bed. I'm fucken exhausted though. I'm looking forward to you flexing your magic muscles in the morning and seeing if you can help me sleep through the construction noise. I really hope it works.

I love you. See you tomorrow.



KANE: Well, you're still asleep and the construction's been pretty loud, so I'm guessing that it worked? Unless you're just hiding out for a bit longer... let me know what time it is when you wake up so we can compare notes, yeah?

Oh, also... I tried to put some nice dreams in there for you too, while I was at it. Mostly just to see if I can. So make sure you tell me what you dreamed about if you remember, too, so we can see if that worked. It's not like it'd be a useful skill exactly, but it'd still be pretty cool, I think.



KANE: [Softly] Hey honey. You wanted another bedtime voicemail so here it is. I don't really have a lot to say though... today's been a pretty mundane day. Although... it's kind of nice that even my boring days now are still, like, a million times better than they were in my life before you. I'm so glad I met you.

I'm glad you liked the dreams I gave you. Maybe I should try and give you some sexier ones next time. [Yawns] Goodnight, Jason. I love you.



JASON: Oh my god, Kane. Do not give me sexy dreams unless you're willing to come back upstairs and deal with the consequences of that, do you hear me? Don't make me have to get up and then work a full day before I get to make good on them. I doubt Victor would be happy to be told "hey, watch the bar for an hour because I need to go fuck my tease of a boyfriend right now".




JASON: [Enthusiastic] You joked that you expected to wake up to a voicemail from Victor and me, so, as your loyal and devoted boyfriend, it was clearly my responsibility to make that happen!

VICTOR: And as your loyal and devoted friend and employee, it was my responsibility to go along with it!

JASON: You know we're both literal people!! This is what you get for making offhand remarks!! We don't even have anything interesting to say!!

VICTOR: Oh no, just gonna bullshit our way through this. Say, Jason, how is that local sporting team?

JASON: No fucking clue, Victor! The closest I have ever been to a sport is lube wrestling in a kiddie pool!

VICTOR: Oh my god, you should come to rugby practise sometime, dude!

JASON: Fuck off with that shit! I love you but I swear to god I will dack you in front of all your rugby friends.

VICTOR: Oh, as if they don't do that themselves anyway.

JASON: Really? Shit, maybe I should go to rugby practise. Anyway, love you babe, see you tomorrow!




KANE: Hey! Good morning! Guess what! The downstairs bedroom is now finished!!

Bruce finished up the last touches this morning. He's packing up his stuff now, and then once Victor is here he's gonna take me to the warehouse to pick up a bed for the boys before we officially move them into it. It's a little more money to be spent, but I mean, we can't just let them sleep on the floor or whatever.

They've already put their bags in there for now. Brandon actually cried a little bit... apparently they haven't really had somewhere safe and stable to stay for a long while, and while they've been grateful for crashing in our lounge, seeing that we put the effort in to get them an actual room was a bit overwhelming. I don't think they really expected us to let them stay...? Like, I think they expected us to kick them out after a little while or something, rather than stick by what we told them, that they can stay as long as they need.

Anyway... I'll see you later today!



JASON: Hey babe. It's after midnight which means it's officially our anniversary, so... happy second anniversary. I love you.



KANE: Happy anniversary honey. I'm gonna cover your face with kisses when you get up. I love you so much.



KANE: Bedtime voicemail as requested!

You know... today was our anniversary, but we didn't really do anything for it except hug slightly more than usual. Other than that... it was just kind of a normal day. And that's... that's just so wonderful. Do you know how good that is? God, Jason, I... our normal, everyday days now are even better than my amazing days were before us, before the Best of Luck Bar.

Today wasn't special, and that's exactly why it was special. This is just our lives now, and I'm just... I'm so happy, and I love you so much. Happy anniversary, again. I'm so glad I met you, and I'm so glad I got the chance to be with you.



ROSLYN: Love and Luck is written by Erin Kyan, and produced by Passer Vulpes Productions. Kane is voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne. Jason is voiced by Erin Kyan. Victor is voiced by Darby Turnbull. Credits spoken by Roslyn Quin. Recorded by Kermie Breydon.

For more information about Love and Luck, check out our website, loveandluckpodcast.com. You can also find us on facebook as Love and Luck Podcast, and follow us on twitter, at @LoveLuckPodcast.

Episode 39 - Tom and Brandon

[Dial tone]


ROSLYN: You've reached the Love and Luck Podcast.





KANE: [Annoyed] Hey, so, we fucked up. [Flustered] Wait, shit, that's a bad way to open a message, sorry - we're fine, everything's fine, don't worry! Didn't mean to make that sound so catastrophic!

Anyway, uh, so - these two sweet boys came in today asking for somewhere to crash, because they've heard we're a safe place and can help them. They've been stuck in a shitty situation for a while, or, well, multiple shitty situations actually from the sounds of it. So, that's fine, they're here now - oh, their names are Tom and Brandon, by the way.

Here's the problem: Tom uses a wheelchair. All of our spare rooms are upstairs, and it's not like dingy little pub buildings have lifts installed into them. Fuck!! I mean, at least we have an accessible toilet, but we're going to have to get a shower installed, and we're going to have to do some kind of... something to fix this.

I've set them up in the lounge for now, but we're going to have to figure something out. I've already called Bruce to come install a shower into the accessible bathroom, so he'll be around to do that tomorrow. When he gets here we should talk to him about getting other accessibility things fixed up, which, yeah. Anyway. We'll talk about it when you get up.



KANE: Okay, so, I know I said we'll talk about it when you get up, and we will, but I wanted to leave you a message in case I forget or something. I had a thought about Tom and Brandon - maybe we could renovate the little room we're using as an office downstairs? It's not like we have a lot of paperwork or anything... we can move the filing cabinet and computer upstairs, like, maybe to that weird little nook in our bedroom that we've never really known what to do with? Almost everything else in the office is stuff that can be put into storage, so maybe we could put it under the stairwell, or something like that?

[Sighs] Ugh, I can't believe we didn't consider the fact we might need crash space for disabled people. We made sure the bar was accessible, but we didn't think about the second part of that at all! Such a fucking oversight, ugh! [Sighs]



KANE: [Softly] Hey... here's another bedtime message for you. Thank you for helping me calm my tits today. I just... I kind of got into a spiral about the whole thing. I'm still kind of upset with myself for not thinking about the possibility, but, you're right, we can't change the past. But we can fix it from here.

You know, I think it'll actually work out better to have the computer and filing cabinet upstairs anyway. Half the time we already bring paperwork up here to fill out.

I love you. See you tomorrow.



JASON: Hey babe. I'm glad you're finally asleep. And yes, I have been ducking upstairs like, every hour or so to check on you. You need your sleep, Kane! It's good for you!

Anyway. I've been chatting with our new boys and they're really good people. I can't believe some of the shit they've been through, though. People are fucking awful. Fucking hell. At least we've got their backs now. We'll make sure things only get better from here.

I love you lots and I hope you're sleeping really well.



KANE: Hey, so I've been chatting to Bruce this morning about further renovations to the office and stuff to make it into more of a real bedroom... he's totally happy to do it, and actually said he'll do it just for the cost of materials, no charge for his labour. I told him that was ridiculous, but he refused to listen. He said we all have to stick together. I might possibly have cried with gratitude a little bit at him about that.

He said he'll be back to start work on it in a couple of days - he's booked up for the next two days or so, in fact he probably shouldn't have really been here doing our shower for us, but he likes us. Pretty sure he's actually a saint. Saint Bruce.



JASON: [Teasing] Kane, be proud of me! I'm a nerd like you now! While you are having an early night, I am playing board games with our boarders! [Bark-laughs] Oh man, that's a great pun. Shit, pretend, I did that on purpose, okay? Oh! Oh man.



JASON: [Softly] You know... I love that you go to bed before me, sometimes. Because it means that every night I get to come up here and look at you while you're sleeping, and you're so beautiful. Then I get to slowly crawl into bed with you, and settle in and just listen to your breathing and... it's just, it's the best possible way for me to finish every day. I love you. And I'm gonna slip into bed and harvest your warmth now.



KANE: [Teasing] I wake up to one beautiful, loving message from my boyfriend... and another, totally mean and uncalled for message from my boyfriend. You dare to continue calling me a nerd, when you're the one with the comixology account? You dare!!



KANE: [Teasing] You know what? Because I always take the high road, I am going to respond to this charge of nerdery with only the most dignified of responses.

By which I mean, I'm going to bake a cake, and I'm going to write “Jason is a nerd” on it, and then I'm going to serve it to all our customers when you come downstairs today.



JASON: You're currently in the shower and banned me from being in the bathroom with you, so I feel the need to leave you a very important voicemail in my own defense. First of all, comics are art. Second of all, no, I absolutely do not regret having to wash cake out of our clothes. Totally worth it.



ROSLYN: Love and Luck is written by Erin Kyan, and produced by Passer Vulpes Productions. Kane is voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne. Jason is voiced by Erin Kyan. Credits spoken by Roslyn Quin. Recorded by Kermie Breydon.

For more information about Love and Luck, check out our website, loveandluckpodcast.com. You can also find us on facebook as Love and Luck Podcast, and follow us on twitter, at @LoveLuckPodcast.

Episode 38 - Puzzle Piece

[Dial tone]


ROSLYN: You've reached the Love and Luck Podcast.





KANE: Hey honey, I wrapped Helen's birthday present and left it on your bedside table, since I know you didn't want me to give it to her without you. You can bring it down with you when you get up, I've planned the birthday tea party to start not long after you normally come down.



KANE: [Softly] Hey honey. So... I'm about to fall asleep, but before I do, I just wanted to tell you once again that I love you. Today was really nice. Helen was so relieved you didn't plan some huge late night party for her, hah.

She's really come out of her shell a lot since she's been with us. It's so nice to see. She's so shy but everyone who meets her just adores her, and I mean, how could they not?

I don't think she expected so many people to be here today, even though we kept it low key... I don't think she really realized how many people love her until today. It's really nice that we were able to make her smile like that.

[Yawns] Oh... okay, I'm gonna crash out now. Love you. See you tomorrow.



JASON: [Sweetly] I loved that message. I love you when you're sleepy, you're soft and nice. You should leave me bedtime voicemails more often. I love you.



KANE: Hey... I'm glad you liked my half asleep message. I'll try to leave you more.

Michael's giving Helen some casual painting lessons this morning... it's really soothing to watch, actually. I'm not the only person who thinks that, either - a small crowd of early risers have gathered around to watch. There's something really satisfying about looking at paint being mixed and used... it's like my eyes love the texture, even though I can't feel it with my hands.

Also, did you know that Michael's a really fucking amazing artist? Like... when he said he was an artist, I had no idea he meant like... a well seasoned and talented one. He makes it look so easy! He slings colours around and they practically come alive. It's incredible. I don't think I've ever seen someone with such skill - I can't believe he's not some world famous artist already, to be honest.

Do you think I should ask him if he'd be willing to teach some classes here? Judging from the small crowd today I think they might be popular... and I mean, art therapy is a thing, right? Like, it's good for mental wellbeing?

I might ask him about it when he's done with Helen.



KANE: [Softly] Hey honey... you asked for more bedtime messages, so here I am. I don't really have much to say, though. I'm looking forward to Michael's art classes being a regular part of the Best of Luck's event calendar.

[Yawns] I really love our bar. We're becoming such a nice little hub of activity. I love it, I love the people that come to it. And I love you. Goodnight. I'll see you tomorrow.



JASON: It's totally empty down here at the moment. Been a couple of weeks since we've had that. It's kind of nice actually... it's very calm and still down here. Everyone's asleep except for me.

It makes me kind of thoughtful, really. Like... I don't get solitude like this very often. I used to loathe being alone, but now... now it's kind of nice, because it's just a holiday instead of the default, you know? I'm not alone because I'm isolated, I'm just alone for a couple of hours tonight. Then tomorrow I'll wake up and there will be a flurry of people and activity again. Even in a couple of hours, I'm going to go fall asleep next to you, so not even my sleep will be lonesome.

I mean... I think that's why I partied so much, originally. Because it was a way to be around people, feel connected to them. I met people and made friends with them and for a little while, we'd all be coasting along life together, even if it was only a couple of hours. But then I'd go home and crash, alone in bed, and I'd feel... happy for all I'd been doing, but sort of sad that I had to go to sleep and wake up in the morning, if that makes sense? Or I'd go home with some random hook up, which would be great and wonderful at the time, but we'd wake up in the morning and it would be awkward and disconnected again.

Hmm... that all sounds a lot more depressive than it actually was. I didn't feel bad about it. It was just how it was, if that makes sense?

Well, anyway... that doesn't happen any more. Now I feel connected all the time. To you, to the bar, to our boarders, to our customers... I feel a part of the world proper now, instead of just... brushing up against that feeling when I experience something intense enough.

And it's not the magic thing making me feel this way, because believe me, I thought of that. But the magic is something else entirely. This is just... feeling my place in the world or something, I guess.

I have no idea if that made any sense, heh. Well, anyway, I love you, and I love going to bed next to you, and I love waking up every day and heading downstairs to see you. I love my new place in life. My puzzle piece fits very neatly into the world now.



ROSLYN: Love and Luck is written by Erin Kyan, and produced by Passer Vulpes Productions. Kane is voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne. Jason is voiced by Erin Kyan. Credits spoken by Roslyn Quin. Recorded by Kermie Breydon.

For more information about Love and Luck, check out our website, loveandluckpodcast.com. You can also find us on facebook as Love and Luck Podcast, and follow us on twitter, at @LoveLuckPodcast.

Episode 37 - Beacon

ROSLYN: This episode of Love and Luck contains references to homophobic violence. Please, take care of yourself.

[Dial tone]


ROSLYN: You've reached the Love and Luck Podcast.





JASON: Hey babe. I'm back downstairs again like a good worker bee. I actually stayed upstairs with you for a bit longer even after you went back to sleep, just to make sure you didn't wake up instantly again with another panic attack. I hope you sleep that one off and feel a lot better tomorrow.

I love you. I hate that this stuff is scaring you. Seriously, I would fucking end these arseholes that have been peppering hate around our neighbourhood if I knew who they were, I swear to god.

You know... you keep saying that you're weak for not being able to handle this shit, but Kane... no one handles this stuff well. Knowing people want us dead isn't exactly the state of affairs that makes us feel all calm and well adjusted. I mean... shit, that's the reason why we're both tiring ourselves out trying to keep the bar a safe and soothing place, you know? Everyone is scared. Everyone.

And... fuck, you're braver than most, in my opinion. Even with your anxiety trouble, you're still looking after people and making cupcakes and soothing fears, no matter how stressed or afraid you are yourself. That's... you're so amazing, you know that? You don't give yourself enough credit. This is exactly why everyone calls you Papa Bear. Because you look after everyone like this.

I love you. And I'm here when you're tired from looking after everyone else, okay? I'm always here for you. I'm here to look after you.



KANE: Hey... so, I cried a little when I got your message this morning. Good crying though, don't worry.

I love you. You make me feel so safe. I feel like I couldn't be even half the person I am without you. The fact you think so much of me is just... I can't even express it. The fact you support me like you do is just... beyond anything I would ever have expected. You're... you're just the most incredible, supportive boyfriend I could imagine. Thank you for everything. I love you so much.



JASON: Hey babe. You seemed to get to sleep better tonight. I'm glad.

I know you don't want me out homophobe hunting again, so, well, I'm not. But... I feel like I can't do just nothing, you know? So I'm trying to strengthen the wards more and... add some stuff.

At the moment, we just soothe and protect people in here. But that's... not enough right now, I think. Apparently the posters have resurfaced, and people are still afraid, and people who have never heard of us at the moment might need us as a sanctuary at some point.

So... I'm going to try something. I'm going to try and use magic to draw people here who might need us, who might need this space. Like... some kind of magical beacon. Something that makes people feel, intuitively, that they'll be safe here, that they can come here if they need somewhere to be.

We can be a ray of light through this, for people like us. We can protect them. We do protect them, and we will protect them. We just need to reach out to the people that don't know they need us yet.



KANE: The bar feels... sharp, this morning. Bright.

I love you for a lot of reasons and this is one of them. I try to comfort people, but my thinking shorts out around there. You think to bring people here who need comfort. I try to soothe people from harm they've suffered, but you try to put an end to the cause.

I love you, and I love the Best of Luck Bar. It's our home, but it's so much more. It's the home I always wanted to have... one that has room and care for anyone who needs it, one that has a family in it that takes in whoever needs it, that looks out for each other and stands up for each other.

You're right. We can protect them. And we will.


[Dial Tone]



Hi, you've reached the Best of Luck Bar, a dry bar and social hub in St Kilda for the LGBTIQA+ community. Our opening hours are 9am to 3am every day except Monday, however, if there is an emergency, you can still come here outside those hours, as we, Jason and Kane, the owners, live upstairs above the bar.

If you feel unsafe for any reason, you can come here. We will look after you. We are a sanctuary for you in this time of bigotry. We're all in this together.



ROSLYN: Love and Luck is written by Erin Kyan, and produced by Passer Vulpes Productions. Kane is voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne. Jason is voiced by Erin Kyan. Credits spoken by Roslyn Quin. Recorded by Kermie Breydon.

For more information about Love and Luck, check out our website, loveandluckpodcast.com. You can also find us on facebook as Love and Luck Podcast, and follow us on twitter, at @LoveLuckPodcast.

Episode 36 - Michael

ROSLYN: This episode of Love and Luck contains references to homophobic violence. Please, take care of yourself.

[Dial tone]


ROSLYN: You've reached the Love and Luck Podcast.





KANE: Hey, I'm kind of worried about you. I'd really like you to come back soon, okay? I know you want to end this, but I really don't think that chasing after violent bigots is going to end well, you know? [Sighs] Just... come back soon, okay?

Michael is... doing as well as can be expected, considering everything. He's pretty bruised up, but I don't think anything is broken. I've given him some painkillers, and I used a bit of magic to help the pain too, as well as trying to soothe him emotionally.

I've told him he can stay with us, and that we'll look after him. He's resting in the other spare room right now. Helen's making us all some tea. She's really scared about this happening too, which is understandable. We're all looking after each other though. She's helping out with the bar while I've been cleaning Michael up and seeing what I can do.

Anyway... [Sighs] Please come home soon.



JASON: Hey babe, just calling to let you know I'm okay. We didn't find any of the fuckers who hurt Michael, or anyone who's been putting up those fucked up posters, so me and Victor are coming back to the bar now. See you soon.



JASON: I'm so glad you're finally asleep... I wish you hadn't been kept up late worrying. But, well, it's too late to worry about that now I guess. At least you're sleeping now.

I tried to use luck magic to find the attackers tonight, but... I don't know. I feel like I got close, like I found a thread, but I couldn't seem to actually follow it. It's hard to explain. [Sighs] Another magic thing to practise, I guess.

I promise I'll check on Michael again before I head to bed myself. I love you.



KANE: Hey. Things are pretty quiet downstairs today so far.

Michael's not up yet, but that's not really surprising, considering everything. Helen made me breakfast this morning, bless her. She said she wants to help out however she can, even if it's just making breakfast.

She's so scared about all this but she's been so strong, too. I don't think she knows how comforting it's been to have her here with us through this. We should do something nice for her when we have the chance.



KANE: Fucking hell, news travels fast. Folks have already heard about Michael. It's a bit tense down here, everyone's a bit scared. Homophobic posters are one thing but... I think we've all been busy being happy in our community lately that we forgot that gay bashings are a thing that can happen for real, not just be a vague threat. Although... one leads to the other, I guess. It's not like violence happens without a foundation in bigotry first.

[Sighs] Anyway... people have been saying they feel better when they come here, so at least our wards and soothing are helping a bit. I'm going to make some more free cupcakes today, I think. We've got to remind people that there's nice stuff in the world too, no matter how frightened we are.



JASON: Hey babe, hope you're sleeping well. Things are going okay tonight. People are still pretty tense, but it's calm in here at least. I'm really glad we already had Lisa Skye booked to do a show tonight, it's really helping people relax. Hard to feel frightened when laughing.

You could really notice the fear come back into people when they walk out the door for the night, though. They stiffen and their expressions go hard. Vigilant.

Fuck, I really hope this shit blows over quickly and those arseholes never come back. Might take my boys out again tonight to make sure no more posters have reappeared. I love you.



KANE: Hey honey. Michael's doing better today physically, says the pain is almost gone now. But he's still really shaken up emotionally. He keeps sort of weeping and then apologising for it... I told him it was okay but I don't know if he believed me. I've been soothing him as best I can, and told him it's pretty normal and okay to be fucked up about it, and that he can stay with us as long as he needs and we'll look after him as well as we can. Again, I'm not sure he believes me... but I guess that's to be expected.

He cried on me for a while when I was telling him this stuff, which was a bit surprising, but it was good crying at least - relieved, grateful crying. We talked for a while. Helen's been supporting him too, as well as bringing him tea.

Did you know he's a painter? I think that's really cool. He asked if it would be okay if he bought some paints and canvases and stuff and did some painting in his room. He was really worried I'd say no, for some reason - I guess he's had tough landlords in the past or something? Anyway... I told him it was fine, and that it'd be really cool to see his work, and he perked up a bit at that. So that's something to look forward to, at least.

I love you. I'll see you when you get up.



Love and Luck is written by Erin Kyan, and produced by Passer Vulpes Productions. Kane is voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne. Jason is voiced by Erin Kyan. Credits spoken by Roslyn Quin. Recorded by Kermie Breydon.

Lisa Skye is a real queer Melbourne comedian. You can learn more about her on Facebook, at facebook.com/thelisaskye. That's s-k-y-e.

For more information about Love and Luck, check out our website, loveandluckpodcast.com. You can also find us on facebook as Love and Luck Podcast, and follow us on twitter, at @LoveLuckPodcast.

Episode 35 - Tension

ROSLYN: This episode of Love and Luck contains references to homophobic violence. Please, take care of yourself.

[Dial tone]


ROSLYN: You've reached the Love and Luck Podcast.





KANE: Hey... the flyers are still up today. Or... they're up again. I'm not sure which one it is.

Victor's stopping by the shops on his way in today and buying me some more flour so I can make extra cupcakes. I'm going to give them out for free today, I think. Oh, I should text him and tell him to get gluten free flour, too.

I... look, I know free cupcakes won't fix this. But... I don't know what else to do. Everyone is whispering instead of speaking normally, and staring at their hands in their laps, and I just... I don't know what else to do. I don't know if there's anything else I can do.

I've been soothing with magic, but... it's exhausting, and I can't seem to make enough of a dent in the depressive cloud over everyone's heads. So I'm just... trying to help keep everyone from falling into despair. Maybe when you're up when can try it together, maybe with both of us it will have a better effect. I don't know.



JASON: So, I might be a bit tired when I get up tomorrow, or, well, today, because it's currently six o'clock in the morning and I'm only just heading to bed after I leave you this voicemail. I took my boys and we combed the neighbourhood, ripping down posters and pasting up new ones. Nothing inflammatory, don't worry, I know that would just make you anxious. We literally just put up cute drawings of animals and shit like that. So don't worry about that. We're not escalating the situation.

We didn't run into anyone who had a problem with what we were doing, which really is as fortunate for them as it was for us, because I swear, if I run into the pieces of shit posting this bullshit around, I will make them wish they'd never been born. Fucking bigots can go fuck themselves, this is our town and our area and I'll be damned if I let them have any goddamn power over us.



KANE: Hey... I hope you're sleeping okay. I might let you sleep a little more than usual today, since you were up so... late? Early? Not sure what the right word is in this situation.

People are still tense today, but it seems a little better, and once they settle in here at the bar they start to relax a lot more. There's been some talk of the posters, but it's not been particularly frightened, just sort of... wary. Oh, and a lot of very positive comments on the cute cat pictures floating around the area, hah.

I think we're making a difference, even if it's a small one. I love you. Thank you for doing so much last night. Oh, and I've set up a little tab for your boys for when they come in next too, for helping. It's not much, but it's something.



KANE: Oh, hey, this is cool - an author who writes some cool queer fiction just came in and asked about stocking her books with us! I said yes, obviously, and I tried to pay her for them but she just refused and said she wanted to donate them to us to support us. Apparently she's done this for Hares & Hyenas too, northside? I argued, but I lost. I'm paying her in coffee instead, at least she agreed to that.



JASON: Damn, these books Mary left for us to sell are pretty cool. That one called the Devil's Mixtape? I'm loving it. It's pretty dark, but damn, it's really fucking good.



JASON: I stayed up too late reading. It's 6AM again. Fuck. Don't judge me.



KANE: [Teasing] Oh, and you call me a nerd? When Mr Party boy was up all night reading young adult fiction?? Your secret's out, nerd, you're as big of a nerd as I am!



KANE: This is a really good book, though.



VICTOR: [Stressed] Hey, Kane? It's me, Victor. Look... I'm on my way to the Best of Luck bar because I'm not really sure what else to do.

I was heading to the shops and I heard all this homophobic yelling and shit, and after all those posters lately I just... well, anyway, I went to see what was happening, and these fucking arseholes were kicking this guy on the ground, while shouting awful shit at him. I yelled at them to fuck off and they ran off when they saw me. Fucking cowards were afraid of a witness, I think.

Anyway... this guy, his name is Michael, and he said he really doesn't want to go to a hospital or to the police or anything, because he's a refugee here and he's really afraid he'll get deported or sent to Nauru or something if any kind of authority so much as looks at him. Fucking government... making people afraid like this, what the fuck.

Anyway, he's hurt, but it doesn't seem to be like, life threatening, so I'm bringing him to you, okay? I don't... I don't know where else to take him. He needs to be safe and I just... you can help him, right? I don't know how but... I don't know. See you soon.



ROSLYN: Love and Luck is written by Erin Kyan, and produced by Passer Vulpes Productions. Kane is voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne. Jason is voiced by Erin Kyan. Victor is voiced by Darby Turnbull. Credits spoken by Roslyn Quin. Recorded by Kermie Breydon.

Mary Borsellino is a real Melbourne author, and the Devil's Mixtape is a real book that she wrote. You can check out her website, maryborsellino.com, for information about her and her books. That's m-a-r-y-b-o-r-s-e-l-l-i-n-o.

Hares and Hyenas is a real queer bookshop in Fitzroy, Melbourne. Whether you want a coffee or a glass of wine, a good book or a hot magazine, Hares and Hyenas have you covered. They do live performances too. Basically, Hares and Hyenas is like, the cooler and non fiction big brother to the Best of Luck Bar. Check them out at hares-hyenas.com.au.

For more information about Love and Luck, check out our website, loveandluckpodcast.com. You can also find us on facebook as Love and Luck Podcast, and follow us on twitter, at @LoveLuckPodcast.

Episode 34 - The Posters

[Dial tone]


ROSLYN: You've reached the Love and Luck Podcast.





JASON: Oh my god, babe, I just made like, ten new friends and I'm absolutely in love with every single one of them. This group of girls came in for a hens night, right, and the bride to be, she's sober right? So we were the perfect place because we're a dry bar, and yeah, anyway!! She's marrying her girlfriend next week out in the Dandenongs and, man, it sounds like it's going to be a beautiful wedding.

I think I get it now when you were saying how weddings are nice. That girl was like, walking on air tonight, she was so happy. She told me all about her soon to be wife, like, to the degree that if I meet that woman it's going to be super awkward because I know waaaay more about her than she will know about me.

Anyway, we had so much fun, I may have helped the party along a little with some stupid antics and ridiculousness and it went down very well. I really hope those girls come back, I loved them. If you ever leave me I'm going to run away and marry all of those girls, okay? Okay!!



KANE: [Amused] Hey honey. Glad to see you were still in bed this morning and haven't run off to marry ten girls - although, if you do, you can just keep me on the side, I don't mind the idea of having ten wives-in-law. It would certainly make household chores easier, to share the load with so many people. [Chuckles]

It's been a quiet morning downstairs at the bar today. We've only had, like, three customers, so it's mostly been me and Helen playing cards together to pass the time. Victor will be arriving soon, at least, so I'll have some company then. While he's here I might pop out to buy a few groceries we're a bit low on. Hope you're sleeping well.



KANE: [Shaken] Hey, it's me. I... I'm freaking out a little right now. Um, I went out to buy a few things and... there's these posters that have been put up around the neighbourhood. Like, really... awful posters. They've got some... really homophobic and violent stuff written on them. I don't... I don't really want to repeat what they say right now. Maybe I'll be able to tell you later.

I'm... I'm okay, I think? I'm kind of fighting off a panic attack, but I think I'm winning. Um, but... I think I'm also going to wake you up for hugs when I get home. I just wanted to call you now, because that, that helps ground me. But... yeah. I think I'll wake you up when I get home.



JASON: Hey babe. I hope you're sleeping okay. I know those posters freaked you out a lot... I might actually go upstairs and check on you in a bit, if it gets quiet enough down here.

I've been strengthening the wards whenever I have a few minutes to spare, and I think I might try and add some knots to the twine on the door. I know the wards don't stop anything happening outside, but at least we'll be protected in here. It's a start. If the bigots come our way, they won't be able to hurt us or any of our people. We've all got each other's backs. It'll be okay. I love you.



KANE: Hey. Thank you for taking care of me yesterday. And last night. And again this morning. [Sighs]

I'm really sorry I've been so jumpy since seeing those posters. As much as I love cuddling you, I have to say I really don't like the part where I wake up in a panic. I also don't like waking you up, even though I know it's okay to do. [Sighs]

Well. At least things are good downstairs today. Even if my anxiety hasn't quite gotten the memo yet. But even through the anxiety, the bar feels comfortable and safe.

I love you. See you when you get up.



KANE: Hey, so... those posters are definitely still around, and I am not the only one who has seen them. A few folks who have come in this morning saw them, and are a bit shaken up.

A couple of your boys are going out to go rip down any they can find, so hopefully that helps ease things around the neighbourhood a bit.

People do seem to calm down quickly once they're settled in here, though. They definitely feel safe here. I feel like our wards are stronger than ever... you've gotten pretty damn good at this, huh? I'm gonna have to step up my game to keep up with you. I'm really glad you've been doing it though. Strengthening things, I mean. Both the general ones and the knotted doorway ones. Thank you.

I feel... I don't know. I have a bad feeling about all of this. Like this is the start of something bad. Maybe that's just the anxiety talking, I don't know.



JASON: Hey babe. Tensions started rising again a bit as the night's worn on tonight. We've had a few late comers who saw some of the posters - my nelly boys are out to find them and rip them down. I really hope they're ones they missed the first time and we don't have bigots putting them up as fast as we can take them down, that's a bit of a scary thought.

Anyway, I've sort of turned tonight into an impromptu open mic night, to try and get people to express themselves a bit and focus on each other instead of their fear, and it seems to be helping a little. There's some fearful on-the-spot poetry, but there's also been some dirty limericks and at least one workshopped burlesque piece, so I think it'll be okay. People are laughing a bit more again.

I'm trying to magically project some calm around but it's hard without making myself tired, so I'm mainly focusing on distracting people rather than soothing them, you know?

Anyway. I love you. See you tomorrow.



ROSLYN: Love and Luck is written by Erin Kyan, and produced by Passer Vulpes Productions. Kane is voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne. Jason is voiced by Erin Kyan. Credits spoken by Roslyn Quin. Recorded by Kermie Breydon.

For more information about Love and Luck, check out our website, loveandluckpodcast.com. You can also find us on facebook as Love and Luck Podcast, and follow us on twitter, at @LoveLuckPodcast.

Episode 33 - Jason's 30th Birthday

[Dial tone]


ROSLYN: You've reached the Love and Luck Podcast.





KANE: Good morning honey. You're still asleep and beautiful. Also, you're not allowed in the office area out back today, something that I will repeat when I see you in person, so you can't just wander in and go "oh no, but I didn't know, I didn't get your message".

Victor and I are spending some time planning your birthday party today. So stay out in the front area of the bar where you can't get into trouble.



JASON: [Jokingly] I can't believe you shooed me out of my own office and accused me of sneaking! I am an innocent soul who just needed to check some paperwork! And yes, maybe I don't remember exactly which paperwork, and yes, maybe I was being particularly quiet, but to accuse me of stealth? And eavesdropping? Like some kind of spy? I am wounded. My heart is broken that you would even think that I would stoop to such a low, low place as to try and sneakily find out what you're planning for my 30th birthday. Absolutely heartbroken. You've hurt me. Hurt me right in my soul.



JASON: Kane, I can see you a little bit when I duck into the kitchen. I can see you and Victor talking, I want to know what you're planning! Tell me!



JASON: You both just started laughing. Was it good laughing or bad laughing? What are you laughing about? Tell me what's so funny, Kane!



JASON: [Whiny] Kaaaaaane!! Tell me what you're planning!



JASON: I cannot believe that you and Victor decided to do all this planning in person, with his physical notes, that he takes with him, instead of in texts or emails like normal people, just so I can't find out what you're doing!!

You may be asleep right now, but don't think that I haven't figured you out, mister. You're some kind of sneaky, evil mastermind. Sneaky and evil, I tell you. I cannot believe that I thought you were the mild mannered one in this relationship.



JASON: Kane, tell me what you're planning for my birthday.



KANE: Oh my god, you're such a brat. Just wait and see, brat. You'll find out what we're doing for your birthday when your birthday arrives.



JASON: [Whiny] But I wanna know nowwwww!!!



JASON: Did I ever tell you that I love you more than anything else? In the whole word? And also that I think you're the most generous and kind person I've ever met? And also, I know that you love me more than anything else in the world.

And that's why you should tell me what you're planning for my birthday.



JASON: Kane, tell me!!



KANE: I'm not telling you. But I promise that you'll like it.



MIRA: Hey Papa Bear, it's Mira. We've been working really hard on the cake for Jason's birthday - or, well, cakes plural, I guess. The edible one and the cardboard one. Both of them are going really well, and will be all ready in plenty of time. See you Saturday!



VICTOR: Hey Papa Bear, Victor here reporting in! All the performers are confirmed for Saturday. I had to jiggle the lineup a bit, but it's still a really good bunch of people, and Jason has seen all of them as some point and liked them, so that part of things is all done and ready! It's going to be a great night!



VICTOR: Hey Papa Bear, I've just had a bunch of last minute RSVPs trickle in. We're still below capacity, thankfully, but only just. Good thing Jason likes crowds.

Also, I picked up the chocolate fountain today, and confirmed the photo booth hire with my mate, and I've still got time to go pick up an inflatable kiddie pool if you still wanna do the lube wrestling. Just let me know.



HELEN: Hi Papa Bear, it's Helen. I just finished the last decoration, so they're all ready to go! I'll put them up tomorrow morning while Jason's still asleep.

Oh, and Jason's been barred from my room all night so I could finish up, so don't worry, he hasn't seen any of them.



JASON: It's 12:01am, which means it's officially my birthday now, and you are, once again, cruel and evil for making me go to sleep tonight and not get any birthday things until I wake up tomorrow, which is technically still today.

[laughs] I can't even keep up the fake wounded thing right now. I love you. I'm so happy to be with you. Honestly, this life we've built together is the best gift I could have gotten, anyway. And yeah, I know that's cheesy, but whatever, it's true. You're the best. You're the best of luck in the Best of Luck Bar. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. Or... today. Whatever.



KANE: [sings] For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow! And so say all of us! [Stops singing] Or, well, just me I suppose. All of us will say so later on today.

[Chuckles] It's officially your birthday now, particularly since you went to bed like a good boy. When you wake up you'll find a present for you on the bed in my spot. I hope you like it! Happy birthday!

I love you so, so much, and I'm really excited to throw you your party tonight. I know you're going to love it.



JASON: Well, it's 5am, and the last of the partiers are crashing on the floor downstairs, and I am just outside to get some fresh air and leave you a voicemail before I go back in and head up to bed and cuddle up to you.

This has been the best birthday I have ever had. Everything was perfect. I had so much fun, and and everyone else seemed to have so much fun too, and... god, this really was just... just perfect. Thank you. Thank you for this birthday, thank you for this bar, thank you for your love, thank you for this life. I am so happy to be with you. I love you so much.



JASON: Oh, one more thing - you jumping out of a cardboard cake for me was great, but it also lead to my one criticism for the evening. The fact there was no frosting to lick off you was a dire disappointment to me. So we will have to fix that next time.



ROSLYN: Love and Luck is written by Erin Kyan, and produced by Passer Vulpes Productions. Kane is voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne. Jason is voiced by Erin Kyan. Victor is voiced by Darby Turnbull. Mira is voiced by Tahlia Celenn. Helen is voiced by Yuki Izumi. Credits spoken by Roslyn Quin. Recorded by Kermie Breydon.

For more information about Love and Luck, check out our website, loveandluckpodcast.com. You can also find us on facebook as Love and Luck Podcast, and follow us on twitter, at @LoveLuckPodcast.

Episode 32 - Helen

[Dial tone]


ROSLYN: You've reached the Love and Luck Podcast.





KANE: Hey honey, just letting you know that Helen's here. I've set her up in the lounge for now since the spare rooms are still a day or two away from being ready. She only has, like, a backpack worth of stuff, so I've told her I'll buy her a few things at some point. Which reminds me, I'm probably heading out to look at beds today for the new rooms, so if I'm not here when you get up, that's probably where I am. Victor's going to be here this arvo though, so it's all good.



KANE: [Quietly] Holy shit, Jason. Beds are fucking expensive!! I'm at the store now and I've been looking at these things, and like, fuck! I think I might just come home and scour gumtree for freebies or something. Yikes.



KANE: So, uh, I think I just did magic by accident. I was looking over the doonas and pillows and stuff before I headed out, thinking about how expensive it all was and how I could really use a break, right? Well... I think I threw that feeling a little harder than intended, because the sales lady came over and chatted with me for a bit, and told me I could pretty much take anything in the section I was looking at for like, 80% off. Then on top of that, she gave me a bunch of freebies that were just slightly off or whatever so they couldn't be sold full price and were probably going to be turfed for like a buck or two anyway.

So, uh... yeah. Now I've got a huge trolley full of manchester that I paid barely any money for. So... I guess I'll get home... somehow. I mean, I won't be able to fit all this on a tram. So I guess I'll get an uber or something.

Well, anyway! We're set for blankets and pillows now, at least!



[Drill sounds in background]

KANE: Okay, so you're still not up yet, which, good job on that since Bruce isn't exactly using a silent drill on our walls right now.

Anyway... I did another magic, again, kind of accidentally. I was chatting with my uber driver on the way home about the new rooms and why I was bringing home mountains of manchester, and told her about how beds are fucking expensive, right? While I was telling her that, I was feeling kind of frustrated - like all I want are some decent beds for crashers, you know, why is that so difficult? I was idly dreaming about stumbling across some beds on the side of the road or something while I chatted to her about it.

And I guess I threw it a bit, or maybe it was just genuine luck, because it turns out she actually has two spare beds that she's been planning to get rid of for a while, but hasn't gotten around to yet. She gave me her number and said that I can have them for free if I come pick them up in the next couple of days.

So... mountain of manchester for basically no money, and beds where the only expense is getting them from there to here. Pretty good, although I wish I'd been a little more deliberate with the magic. Because I am pretty sure it was magic.

Maybe this is a side effect from our practise? We're becoming more accustomed to using it, and our magic muscles are more exercised, so it becomes sort of... automatic? That's... mildly concerning, I don't like the idea of not being fully in control of it. But it's not like this stuff has been harmful, or changing anything, it's just been... well, lucky.

Anyway. I love you, and I'll see you when you get up.



JASON: Hey babe, I hope you're sleeping well. Bruce only just headed home - I think he's happy to be nearly done with our renovations and enjoyed getting to hang out for a while, heh.

I was chatting with him about the beds and he said he'd be happy to help us pick them up, no charge. He'll be back tomorrow anyway, so he'll chat with you about it then. I said we could throw a few bucks his way for it, but he refused - said we're doing good stuff and he's happy to help out. He's glad to know that if something happened to him or his ex wife, there's at least once place his kid can go where they'd be be welcome and not forced back into the closet. I suspect we will be meeting said kid at some point in future, hah.

It probably doesn't hurt that he has a soft spot for Helen, too. Although, I say that as if we don't all have a soft spot for Helen already.

Love you, see you tomorrow.



KANE: Hey honey, we called the uber lady and Bruce is here, so we're actually going to go pick up the beds, like, now. Not sure how long it will take us, but if you're up before we get back, that's why we haven't moved Helen into her room yet - we're about to bring back some stuff that we're going to shove into it first.



JASON: Hey, so I made an offhand comment to Helen about the incoming beds and how nice it will be that she'll have her own bed and room by tonight, and she had a little freakout about it. Not like, something we need to change anything for or anything, she's just... [Sighs] She's got some awful self esteem.

She kept saying that she'd be bringing bad luck on the bar or something by being here. I tell you, I really wanted to tell her that luck wasn't exactly something we ever had to worry about but... I don't think we're in any position to tell anyone else about our magic stuff yet. We'd just sound like nutcases.

I think she's been through a much rougher time in the last couple of years than she's let on to us. I told her that we'd look after her and it was okay that she's here, and I mean, she seemed to accept it, but she kept apologising and I just... fuck, you know? I hate that she feels so insecure about this. I wish I could do more to make her feel more comfortable here.

I soothed her a bit... magically, because, fuck, I am not nearly as good at comforting people naturally like you are. She's calmed down now, but I think maybe you should talk to her when you get home. You're a lot better at this than I am.



JASON: Hey gorgeous. It's 2am and it's dead quiet downstairs, especially since Helen's all moved into her new room.

I keep going to say you're magical in the way that you comfort people but, well... [chuckles]. I mean, you're good at it even outside of magic. She really seemed a lot more upbeat about stuff when she went to bed tonight. I hope we can make her feel safer as time goes by, too. I think some stability will go a long way for her.

And... I think stability is something we can and will be offering her, actually. I feel like she might be with us for the long haul, you know? I don't have anything real to base that on other than a feeling but... I don't know. Having her here feels different from when we had Victor, or Sarah or Mira.

Anyway. I love you, you're perfect and beautiful, and I'll see you tomorrow.



ROSLYN: Love and Luck is written by Erin Kyan, and produced by Passer Vulpes Productions. Kane is voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne. Jason is voiced by Erin Kyan. Credits spoken by Roslyn Quin. Recorded by Kermie Breydon.

For more information about Love and Luck, check out our website, loveandluckpodcast.com. You can also find us on facebook as Love and Luck Podcast, and follow us on twitter, at @LoveLuckPodcast.

Episode 31 - Mini Episode 3

[Dial tone]


ROSLYN: You've reached the Love and Luck Podcast.





KANE: Hey honey, I hope you're enjoying your sleep in, especially since I suspect it's going to be one of your last truly good ones for a while, since Bruce starts on our renovations tomorrow. I promise I'll make you a lot of very good and very strong coffee. I love you.



MIRA: Hey guys, it's Mira. Sarah and I just wanted to thank you again. For looking after us, and for helping us find our own place. We can never repay you fully for everything you've done for us, but if you ever need us, you just call. We'll make sure to bring as many people to the bar as possible, maybe help you run any ongoing events you might want to have? Anything we can do for you, we'll do it.

We're a little sad to be leaving before the renovations are done, but hey, in a way that's kind of good - end of this chapter, you know? You're going to be in a much better position to help any more people like us that might show up in the future. And I think they will - you're both too good, and the Best of Luck Bar is too good, for that not to happen. Besides, we'd kind of gotten used to the sofa bed, and I think it's better that the next bed we get used to is the one in our own room, rather than your spare.

We love you guys, and we'll be back frequently, so don't think that this is goodbye.

And thank you again. Thank you so, so much.



VICTOR: Uh, hey guys, it's Victor. And, okay, so apparently I dialled the wrong contact in my phone, because I meant to call Kane, not the front bar phone. Well, anyway, when you've got a few minutes, Papa Bear, give me a call yeah? I've got some thoughts about Jason's 30th birthday party that I want to share with you.

Oh, and Jason? Don't even think about calling from Kane's phone, I'll know it's you. Remember that you were the one that wanted the details of your birthday party to be a surprise. It's too late to change your mind on that now.



HELEN: [Nervously] Um... hi. My name is Helen. My friend Sarah from the trans support group I'm a member of told me about you. She... she said that you sometimes help people out who need it? I... I've been homeless for a while, and I don't know what to do. I figured... it couldn't hurt to give you a call. Um... I don't really know what else to say. Give me a call back, I guess, if you can help? My number is 0491 570 157. Thanks.



ROSLYN: Love and Luck is written by Erin Kyan, and produced by Passer Vulpes Productions. Kane is voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne. Mira is voiced by Tahlia Celenn. Victor is voiced by Darby Turnbull. Helen is voiced by Yuki Izumi. Credits spoken by Roslyn Quin. Recorded by Kermie Breydon.

For more information about Love and Luck, check out our website, loveandluckpodcast.com. You can also find us on facebook as Love and Luck Podcast, and follow us on twitter, at @LoveLuckPodcast.

Episode 30 - Bruce

[Dial tone]


ROSLYN: You've reached the Love and Luck Podcast.





KANE: Hey honey, so, remember how we were thinking of remodelling upstairs so we had a couple of spare rooms? I know we said we'd revisit the idea later when we had enough money, but I was thinking... I know we have a bit of money saved up, but we also have magic. And I mean... I know I'm the one who's always on his soap box about how we shouldn't use our magic for our own personal gain and all that shit but... fuck, I'd just really like to be able to give Sarah and Mira their own room instead of them just camping in our living room, you know? I don't know, I just... I don't feel like it's for our benefit, you know? It's for them.

Anyway... I don't really know, like... what we could do to find that extra money somewhere, but I'm sure we'll think of something. We'll talk about it when you get home.

I miss you and I'm really looking forward to having you home again. I hope the train home isn't too terrible, or that you're able to sleep through it if it is. Love you.



JASON: Hey babe! I'm on the tram on my way home from Southern Cross now, so I should see you in, like, half an hour or so if the traffic is good. God, Melbourne always feels like a big hug after being in the country, even if I was only gone for like, a day and a night.

Anyway - that's a good idea on the remodelling and, uh, I may have already gotten started on it. After I listened to your voicemail, I threw some feelings around and ended up making friends with this guy on the train on the way home.

His name is Bruce and he's a construction tradie, which, I know right? Anyway, Bruce and I were talking about the Best of Luck Bar, and he thinks it sounds like a great place and is going to come check it out tonight, probably, after he's had dinner with his kid, who is trans by the way, which is why he was so keen to hear about the bar. He gave me his card and said if we ever need construction work done, he might be able to swing us a good deal.



KANE: Okay, so, I was thinking more... actually, I don't know what I was thinking more, but I know that it wasn't "let's brainwash someone into giving us a discount". You know how I feel about that sort of thing!

[Sighs] Wow, okay, I'm sorry. That was a huge overreaction. I know you didn't do that, I just... I don't know. I don't want to get too casual about this stuff.

It's good he's going to come around to see us. We can certainly ask him about mates rates or whatever, without magic. That, I certainly have no trouble with. And I mean... you could have just bumped into him and gotten talking without magic, so I have to remember that too. By our own rules, it's fine. I'm sorry for being a dick.

Anyway... we'll talk about it when you get home. Love you. Sorry.



JASON: Hey babe. It kind of sucked having to come back downstairs again after you went to bed, but at least I got a few cuddles in before duty calls. It's so fucking good to be home.

I'm glad you're feeling better about Bruce now that you've met him. I told you he was a good guy. No magic required to gain his assistance! Just a good guy trying to do good, that I magicked my way into meeting.

It is pretty lucky is that he can start next week though - I wasn't expecting that, and no magic required on that one either.

I love you. And once again, it's okay that you got a bit upset today - like I've said before, you're the moral compass. I'll see you tomorrow. I hope you sleep well.



KANE: Hey honey. I do feel a lot better today, and I really do like Bruce. He really does seem like a good person, and I'm glad he's as excited about helping us as we are about improving the situation for our crashers.

And... I know you said it was okay, and I know I already apologised yesterday, but I just want to do it again. I'm really sorry for snapping yesterday. I know we talked through it, but I'm still sorry.

I just... I don't want to take advantage of people, you know? I mean... I know you don't want that either, but that's my point, I think that people usually don't intend to do anything bad but things just edge along until it's happening by accident. I'm just... I'm just scared that that's what will happen, that's all.

[Sighs] Sorry. I know I worry about this a lot. Probably too much. I love you. See you when you get up.



JASON: Hey, so, I just woke up and listened to your voicemail, and I know I'm about to go downstairs and see you anyway, but I wanted to leave you this message instead of just talking about it in person. Because this is really important, and I want to be, like, really clear about it. So I'll tell you this in person, and then when you check your voicemail next, you'll hear it again.

I like that you worry about the ethics of all this stuff. It's one of the reasons I feel safe exploring this magic nonsense with you. You're a really kind and thoughtful person, and you worry about this stuff before it becomes a problem. That's good.

You're a really good person, and you make me a better person, and I wouldn't change any of that. I might soothe some of that anxiety, but the worrying part, the part where you're keeping an eye on us and how we use this power? I wouldn't change that. That's part of what makes you someone trustworthy.

I love you, Kane. Worries and all.



ROSLYN: Love and Luck is written by Erin Kyan, and produced by Passer Vulpes Productions. Kane is voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne. Jason is voiced by Erin Kyan. Credits spoken by Roslyn Quin. Additional sound effects supplied by Kyle Evans. Recorded by Kermie Breydon.

For more information about Love and Luck, check out our website, loveandluckpodcast.com. You can also find us on facebook as Love and Luck Podcast, and follow us on twitter, at @LoveLuckPodcast.

Episode 29 - Engagement Party

[Dial tone]


ROSLYN: You've reached the Love and Luck Podcast.





JASON: [Groans] I miss you. I don't want to go to the stupid country, I want to stay home and hang out in our bar with you.

I wish I could have at least brought you with me! Although then the bar wouldn't have been able to stay open... [Sighs]

This train smells weird and I don't wanna be here. I miss you. Can I come home now?



KANE: I miss you too, honey, and I would love for you to come home but I think your sister might be a bit upset if you missed her engagement party.

The bar doesn't feel the same without you, but things are pretty good here. Sarah and Mira are helping out a lot, as much as I tell them they don't have to. They've been befriending a lot of customers too, which is really good actually because I think they're turning some occasionals into regulars. At least two people who've come in today said they came back because Sarah or Mira was so nice to them the last time they were here.

Also, the Papa Bear thing is starting to catch on big time, so don't be surprised if you come home and I've forgotten my real name, okay?



JASON: Aw, don't worry Papa Bear, I'm sure I can get used to calling you that instead of Kane.



KANE: [Amused] Hmph, not quite what I was aiming for. I should get the kids to come up with a name for you too so I can at least fight back.

Hope the party is going well. If I remember the invitation correctly, it should have started about an hour ago at the time of me leaving this message. Good luck!



JASON: Kane, rescue me. People are so incredibly straight here. I've had at least three people look scandalized when I said I have a boyfriend, and at least two women titter about it like I'm doing something naughty just by being in a relationship. Ugh. At this point I'm just drinking free booze and waiting for my suffering to end.

Oh good, speeches are about to start. At least now people will focus on that instead of trying to talk to me.



KANE: Oof honey, that sounds rough. I hope the speeches weren't too painful and the straight people stopped being weird around you. They better get over that thoroughly though, because I sure as shit am not missing your sister's wedding. I love weddings. And I love you.



JASON: You like weddings??? Seriously???

Weddings are a... outdated, sexist, heteronormative tool of the patriarchy! What the hell is there to like about them???



KANE: I mean, yeah, weddings are definitely outdated, sexist, heteronormative tools of the patriarchy. But also, they're pretty. Everyone is dressed up and happy, and there's good food, and people are in love, and it's a celebration of friends and family and community... I don't know, I think there's a lot to love about weddings. Even if they are, y'know, all the other stuff as well.

Oh shit, big group of customers just came in. See you.



JASON: [Anxiously] So, uh... hey. Does this mean that like... marriage is a thing you're into? Like... is that a... thing, long term? Is it like... I mean... do you want to get married someday? Is that... do you want that?



JASON: [Freaked out] I mean, I'm not saying I wouldn't marry you if you wanted?? But like... you know, it kind of freaks me out a lot, and... I don't know, I mean, if it's important to you, I guess we can talk about it, or something? I mean... I really am kind of against it, in general, on principle, or whatever... but like... I mean, if you really wanted to get married, I guess I'm okay with discussing that? I think? I guess? Fuck.



KANE: Oh my god Jason, okay, no. No... that was... that was definitely not what I was trying to say. I like other people's weddings. I like attending weddings. I definitely do not want to get married. That's... yeah, no, that's not what I meant at all. That's not something I want. You can breathe easy on that front.

Like... I could imagine us doing it if we needed some kind of legal... whatever? But de facto couples get, like, almost all the same rights anyway, and... yeah, no. No, marriage is not something I'm chasing, don't worry.

I mean, it'd be kinda cool to have the big party, though. We already have a good reception place... Hey, should we advertise as a small reception venue for queer weddings and commitment ceremonies and stuff? That seems like something we should probably consider doing, huh.



JASON: [Relieved] Oh my god, I have never been so relieved to receive a voicemail before. Like just... oh my god. My blood pressure is returning to normal, I can feel it. I love you, thank you for not wanting to get married.

I actually would have picked up if I'd noticed you calling this time, I was so anxious about the whole marriage question thing, but we did a maccas run before heading home for the night and I was in a very serious discussion about nutella donuts with my sister's fiance at that point. So, you know. I had my priorities right, obviously.

Anyway. That's a good idea about the queer wedding receptions. And I mean... don't get me wrong, just because I have... opinions about the institution of marriage doesn't mean that I have a problem with people doing something that makes them happy. I'm all for fancy cakes and pretty clothes and making out in front of all your friends.

[Sighs] I should head to bed. I have to be up at fucking sparrow's fart tomorrow to catch the train home. I love you. I can't wait to be back in our little queer bubble.



KANE: Looking forward to having you home, honey. I hope you sleep well. Love you.



ROSLYN: Love and Luck is written by Erin Kyan, and produced by Passer Vulpes Productions. Kane is voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne. Jason is voiced by Erin Kyan. Credits spoken by Roslyn Quin. Recorded by Kermie Breydon.

For more information about Love and Luck, check out our website, loveandluckpodcast.com. You can also find us on facebook as Love and Luck Podcast, and follow us on twitter, at @LoveLuckPodcast.

Episode 28 - Mini Episode 1

[Dial tone]


ROSLYN: You've reached the Love and Luck Podcast.





VICTOR: Hi Jason, it's Victor. Guess what? One of the share houses I looked at has offered me the room! I can move in tomorrow!!

I wanted to tell you as soon as I could, and Kane said that since you're sleeping, I should call you and leave you a message, since your phone is always on silent for calls, and you always check your voicemails as soon as you wake up. Which is totally weird, by the way, who still uses voicemails?

Anyway... I just wanted to say thank you again. For everything. I've already thanked Papa Bear in person, so... yeah.

Thank you. When I came to you I wasn't sure I'd survive the month, let alone have my life get any better. You gave me somewhere to sleep, you gave me a job, and you protected me from my Dad... and you've become my dearest friends.

My life is like... really good now, and I feel really optimistic all the time. That's... I never thought my life would feel that way, especially after what happened with my parents. You guys really saved me, in more ways than one. Thank you. Thank you so much.

I'll see you at work tomorrow.



VICTOR: Hey Kane, it's Victor. I'm calling you instead of Jason because it's like, 1am, and I know you'll be asleep, and I know you guys are really into this voicemail thing, which, again, is super weird. But it's nice you've got a thing. Everyone needs some kind of thing. Anyway. I thought I'd leave you a message since I know you guys like that, is my point.

I'm about to go to sleep, and then I realized, this is the first night I've slept somewhere other than the Best of Luck Bar since I got kicked out of home. And... it's my room. My own room, in my own sharehouse, with people I like and who accept me, all of me. And, okay, the house isn't great itself, but that's what you get on a part time income, and hey, it's secure and there's no vines growing through the walls, so I'm calling that a win.

Then tomorrow, I get to wake up and go to a job that I like, with people that I love.

I just... I can't thank you enough for everything. You guys have helped me so much, and you mean so much to me. I'm going to miss late night hangouts and conversations with Jason, and I'm going to miss late breakfasts with you, but it's not like I'll never see you again. Hey, I'll be right back there again tomorrow for work.

But I just... I wanted you to know, that you've made such a difference for me. Thank you for everything, Papa Bear. See you tomorrow.



ROSLYN: Love and Luck is written by Erin Kyan, and produced by Passer Vulpes Productions. Victor is voiced by Darby Turnbull. Credits spoken by Roslyn Quinn. Recorded by Kermie Breydon.

For more information about Love and Luck, check out our website, loveandluckpodcast.com. You can also find us on facebook as Love and Luck Podcast, and follow us on twitter, at @LoveLuckPodcast.

Episode 27 - Sarah and Mira

[Dial tone]


ROSLYN: You've reached the Love and Luck Podcast.





JASON: Hey babe, hope you're sleeping well. It's about 2am right now and Victor just headed to bed. I've been thinking, we should consider officially giving him a part time job here. He's already basically doing part time work for us and what he's doing is worth vastly more than crashing on our couch, you know what I mean? I know he does it because he wants to, but still... I don't want to exploit him, you know? What am I talking about, of course you know. You're the moral compass in this relationship. I would be honestly shocked if you hadn't already been thinking this same thing yourself.

Our money's not in bad shape at the moment, so we can certainly consider it. I know we're not like, rolling in it or anything, and I know we weren't planning to hire anyone for the first year or two but... well, it would be nice to have a couple of hours during the day for us when we're both awake, and I think it'd help him out a lot too. It's not like the job market's flush with opportunities right now.

Anyway... we'll talk about it tomorrow I guess. Love you.



KANE: Hey, you beat me to it! I was actually going to bring up the whole "hiring Victor officially" thing with you today sometime. So yeah, I agree, we should give him a job.

Things are good down here this morning. We've got a nice older group here having tea and knitting and such. I think we've accidentally become a stitch and bitch venue. I'm okay with that.

Love you, see you when you get up.



JASON: [Laughing] Oh my god, babe, the good shit happens when you head out for a few minutes. Some of the kids in here just named you "Papa Bear" because you're always dadding at them. There was eye rolling and everything, it was amazing.



JASON: [Laughing] Victor just called you Papa Bear in passing as well. I think that's your name now, Papa Bear.



KANE: [Sleepy] Hey. I know I normally wait until the morning to leave you a message, but, well, I'm still awake at least for the next few minutes, and I'm all curled up in bed, and I can hear the bar downstairs, and it makes me really happy. So here's a pre-sleep message.

You know, I kind of like the Papa Bear thing. There are definitely worse things they could call me. And it's... I don't know, it's kind of nice, really. I mean, nicknames like that aren't exactly given to people that aren't liked, you know?

I think we're making a difference here... maybe it's not much, but... I mean, it's certainly a difference to Victor if nothing else. And it's not like we've had no business since we opened. We've got regulars already, and we've only been open for what, a few weeks?

Anyway... I'm going to go to sleep now. I love you so much. See you tomorrow.



JASON: You know, if you're Papa Bear, what does that make me? That's the real question we should be asking ourselves. Or asking the kids, I suppose. Hmm. Tough questions to put to today's youth.

I love you. See you tomorrow.



JASON: Hey, so, just a head's up. This young lesbian couple came in and begged to sleep on our floor for the night. Apparently they've been couch surfing for a while and they've sort of run out of couches. They heard about us through one of Victor's friends who knew he was staying with us. Their names are Sarah and Mira - Sarah's the tall one, and Mira's the one with glasses.

I've set them up in our lounge area at the back of the bar, so yeah. Don't freak out when you go downstairs tomorrow and there's a couple of women already down there.



KANE: Hey, it's me. I just met Sarah and Mira - good kids, bad situation. Fortunately it sounds like none of the fuckheads they were dealing with knows they're here, so we shouldn't have any more bigots coming our way any time soon. Although even if they did, I think between our wards and us we could probably handle it, but let's not find out.

I've fed them some breakfast, and Victor's chatting with them and cheering them up. Sarah's been trying to change her name but obviously when you're homeless money isn't easy to come by, so I told her I'd cover it for her and take her into Births, Deaths & Marriages tomorrow to get it done. I know it's a bit expensive but, fuck, name changes are pretty fucking important for us trans folks, you know?

Anyway, all's good here. See you when you get up.



JASON: Hey babe. Everyone's tucked in for the night and I'm just hanging out downstairs till closing time, and then I'm going to come crawl into bed with you and take my rightful place in the small of your back.

I love you. I know I tell you that, like, every day but it still never feels like enough.



KANE: Hey Jason, just reminding you that I'm going with Sarah to Births, Deaths & Marriages today to submit her name change forms and such. Victor's watching the place while I'm gone, and Mira refuses to relax and insists on helping so she's cleaning our toilets. I didn't ask her to do that, by the way. She pretty much just demanded to know where the cleaning supplies were and then got to it. I appreciate it, but jeez, I don't want her to feel like she has to do that, you know?

Anyway, Saint Miras aside, See you when we get back or when you get up, whichever way it works out.



JASON: Hey. Quiet night tonight again. Been chatting with Victor - he's looking around for sharehouses at the moment. Since we're paying him now he can actually do that, and he's pretty excited. I'll be sad to see him go, honestly, but... well, it will at least mean we can move the girls upstairs so they don't have to sleep in our lounge area and can actually have the sofa bed for a change.

And, on that note... I've been thinking. If taking in folks that need it seems to be becoming our MO, we might want to consider remodelling upstairs a little bit. We can easily make room for at least one guest room I reckon, maybe two if we're happy to drop the living room entirely, which, like, personally I'm fine with since we spend most of our time downstairs in the bar anyway. Hell, we've got that extra weird space between the kitchen and the bedroom that we've, like, joked about being a study, too, that we could probably use as another guest room.

Anyway. Just something to think about. Love you.



KANE: Good morning, honey. You know, I've been thinking the same thing, about remodelling. We'll talk about it when you get up today.



ROSLYN: Love and Luck is written by Erin Kyan, and produced by Passer Vulpes Productions. Kane is voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne. Jason is voiced by Erin Kyan. Credits spoken by Roslyn Quin. Recorded by Kermie Breydon.

For more information about Love and Luck, check out our website, loveandluckpodcast.com. You can also find us on facebook as Love and Luck Podcast, and follow us on twitter, at @LoveLuckPodcast.

Episode 26 - Wards

[Dial tone]


ROSLYN: You've reached the Love and Luck Podcast.





JASON: Hey babe. You're asleep, and Victor's asleep, and I probably should be trying to get to sleep, but I'm all wired and can't relax.

Considering I am really wired though, I might play around with magic and see if I can get some kind of ward thing up and running like we talked about. I don't... really know how I'll do that. But I'll experiment. Most of our magic is done with a sort of... throwing our intentions and feelings around, right? So maybe it's as simple as throwing around intentions of protection and feelings of safety? But... I guess I'll have to try rooting them to the location somehow? Man, I don't know.

Anyway. I'll go play with it and see what I can do. Love you.



KANE: Hey... so, whatever you did with the wards? I think they worked. The bar felt really different when I came downstairs today. Safer. Warmer. Tighter, as weird as that sounds. Kind of like something was wrapped around it.

Victor noticed it, too. He said that he doesn't feel as afraid today as he did yesterday. He's also been smiling more easily today, and his body language is a bit more relaxed.

When you get up, you'll have to tell me what you did. I bet we can strengthen it even more together.



JASON: Hey, I miss you. It's another quiet night tonight. Not because there's a lack of people here - there's a few, actually, but there's not much for me to do for them. People are just hanging out. It's really nice, actually.

Victor's doing a lot better tonight, too. He's been chatting with customers and often tidying things up before I can get to it - again, not leaving me much to do. He's a good kid, though. I don't mind so much. It seems to cheer him up to be helpful, as well.

Those wards are definitely doing something good. People's shoulders seem to drop tension the moment they come inside now. Victor's smiling easily. Things feel like they're lightening up.

Hope you're sleeping well, babe. I love you.



KANE: So, annoyingly, three of our nice vintage teapots broke this morning. You know, the ones we used for group tea serves? So I'm going to have to go out and buy more considering that's a popular order. I could just order some to be delivered to us but... we're down to only one group teapot, which, honestly is not going to be enough to see us through the day let alone the week.

Victor's going to watch the bar while you sleep and I do a quick op shop or failing that a kmart run. I should be back by the time you get up. Love you.



JASON: Hey, just got a great booking for next month - a zine fair!! Should be a lot of fun to have something like that southside for a change.

Also, I'm really glad you bought those extra teapots, because literally all of them are in use at the moment. Who'd have thought tea would be so popular? Especially that fruity one you ordered from Tasmania, that's a big seller. Thought you'd be pleased to know that.



KANE: So, I think I found another way to strengthen the wards this morning, maybe. I remembered when I was a kid, that Mumma used to tie decorative knots in cord and hang them off the back of doorknobs, and she told me it was to keep the room or the house safe.

So I thought... maybe there was something to that? So I did a chain of knots on a bit of twine. Nothing fancy, but I figure... the magic probably doesn't mind if it's not complex macrame, right? It's just a physical thing representing something ethereal, so like... it probably doesn't matter if it's not super pretty or whatever. So I was trying to like... put all those feelings of safety and protection into each knot.

Then when I was done, I hung that on the inside doorknob of the bar. I guess we'll see later if it made much of a difference... this preventative magic stuff is a bit like art or something, huh? You kinda have to sleep on it to get any perspective on whether or not it worked out well.

Anyway. I love you. See you when you get up.



JASON: Hey, I think your knotted string is being pretty damn effective - lots of people tonight are telling me how welcome and happy they feel here. Like... almost everyone who's come in has said that. I know you heard that from a fair few customers today as well, so... yeah. Good job, string witch boyfriend!



JASON: There are some amazing drag queens holding an impromptu makeup workshop in our bar right now. I love our bar, I love our community, I love us. This is literally my favourite place on earth.



KANE: I can't believe you didn't wake me for the drag queen makeup workshop. So cruel!! I could have been getting covered in glitter instead of snoring away in bed!! Next time, definitely wake me if there's drag awesomeness happening downstairs, okay?



KANE: Hey, so... Victor's Dad came back this morning. But he didn't come inside. He stood outside the bar- we could see him through the window. He just stared at the bar for ages, like he wanted to come in but couldn't bring himself to do it.

I thought he'd go away after a few minutes, but he didn't. And I was thinking... well, we made our wards to protect the bar and the people in it, but they aren't designed to send people who wish us harm away or anything. Just because he couldn't come in, didn't mean he was motivated to leave.

So I just... prodded, a little. Magically, I mean. Encouraged him to let this go and leave. And... he did. He just walked away.

Victor's still a little shaken up by it even though his Dad didn't come inside, which is understandable. But he says he feels safe here, so that's good.

I think we should try and tweak the wards to send away bad intentions as much as keep them out, but other than that... we did it. We protected our turf and our people. And we did it without any harm coming to anyone.

Victor's Dad might come back, but I feel pretty sure that he won't be able to come after Victor any more. I think... I think we're all going to be okay.



ROSLYN: Love and Luck is written by Erin Kyan, and produced by Passer Vulpes Productions. Kane is voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne. Jason is voiced by Erin Kyan. Credits spoken by Roslyn Quin. Recorded by Kermie Breydon.

For more information about Love and Luck, check out our website, loveandluckpodcast.com. You can also find us on facebook as Love and Luck Podcast, and follow us on twitter, at @LoveLuckPodcast.

Episode 25 - Victor's Dad

ROSLYN: This episode of Love and Luck contains references to homophobic abuse. Nothing graphic, but please, take care of yourself.

[Dial tone]


ROSLYN: You've reached the Love and Luck Podcast.





KANE: [Amused] Oh my god sleeping beauty, did you seriously write "I heart your butt" on our fridge? You massive fucking dork. Also, you know that won't rub off, right? Fridges aren't whiteboards, mate. So I hope you're happy, we have a butt fridge now. We're the butt fridge guys.



KANE: Hey... it's really quiet, we haven't had any customers yet today. Victor and I have been playing Cat Tube Famous to pass the time. I am very bad at that game, I don't think I won a single round.

[Sighs] Anyway. Just wanted to tell you I love you, and I'm fucking bored. See you when you get up.



KANE: [Shaken] Hey Jason... so, I'm still a little freaked out, but before I get to that, I should start with the fact that I'm fine, Victor's fine, the bar is fine, we're all fine. We're a bit shaken up, but other than that... we're fine.

We had a little situation downstairs. Victor's Dad came here. Apparently he saw our website open on the computer Victor used before he got kicked out or something. He yelled a lot of homophobic bullshit at us, but didn't do anything more than that, because when he started at it I began trying to get him to leave.

At first I tried the usual mundane methods, but he just kept getting angrier and louder, so I tried to sort of... magically coax him to leave. Tried to get him to calm down, and increase the likelihood of him leaving at the same time. It was... tiring, actually. I've never tried to use both types of magic at the same time like that before. Apparently that's a pretty draining thing to do.

But it worked, and he left. But it was still scary, to be honest. Victor's upstairs in the living room having some tea, and I'm... well, I'm calling you. Because when I get anxious these days I tend to think of you for comfort first. I know I could go wake you up, but... there's no reason to, really. The situation is dealt with, I'm just still feeling a little bit anxious about it. So... hence the voicemail.

Anyway. We'll probably talk about this in person before you even listen to this message, but it soothes me to leave it.

I think I might go have some tea with Victor myself.



JASON: [Simmering] So I know that when we talked today we were all, "let's take the high road" and all that shit, buuuuut... about that.

Victor's Dad came back again tonight, a little while after you went to bed. He was shouting bullshit and throwing a lot of ‘better off dead than queer' shit at Victor and I just wasn't going to fucking take that, you know?

So forget calmly getting him to leave. I mean, don't get me wrong, I told him to leave politely and shit first, but he responded with more vitriol, so fuck him. I used magic to make him lose his balance and made him fall on his fucking face. Then I grabbed him by his fucking hair and threw him out of the bar, told him to fuck off for good. He was shouting a lot of shit at me but he can go fuck himself. I won't let him think he can just walk in here and intimidate or even threaten us or our people.

We're okay. Victor's pretty upset about it, but I told him we've got his back. I hope none of this woke you.

I'm fucking furious. If he comes back I'll make his luck a shit load worse than a bruised face.



KANE: Okay, so, jeez. I kind of wish you'd actually woken me up after all that last night. That was a hell of a voicemail to wake up to. I'm not upset about it or anything, just... damn, you know?

I'm not super happy that it had to get a bit physical, as I'm sure doesn't surprise you, considering I'm the pacifistic one in this relationship, but... shit, I mean, I think you did the right thing. We can't let that sort of violent bigotry have any right to space in our bar, in our home.

Victor's doing pretty okay this morning, considering everything. He's asked for some things to do to keep busy, so I gave him a few chores. Once it gets to 3pm and QLife opens, I'm going to get him to call them so he can talk to someone other than us about this stuff, too. He needs as much support as he can possibly get during all this.

Also... I know we only barely know what we're doing with this magic stuff, but this stuff with Victor's Dad has gotten me thinking. Do you think we could do like... wards, or something like that? Some kind of protective magic, that could help keep the bar and the people in it safe? I think we should try and figure something like that out, if we can.

Anyway... we'll talk about it when you get up. I love you. I'm glad you're okay.



ROSLYN: Love and Luck is written by Erin Kyan, and produced by Passer Vulpes Productions. Kane is voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne. Jason is voiced by Erin Kyan. Credits spoken by Roslyn Quin. Recorded by Kermie Breydon.

If you are a victim of homophobic family abuse, please, know that help is out there. In Australia, you can call 1800 Respect on 1800 737 732, 24 hours a day, or QLife on 1800 184 527, 3pm to midnight, for immediate support. If you are under 18, you can call the Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800, 24 hours a day.

Cat Tube Famous is a real card game, designed by Australians. You can purchase it wherever good card games can be found, and find more information on it at cattubefamous.com. Keep a special eye out for the cats on the Happy and Clever cards - those guys are the beloved pets of Love and Luck's producers!

For more information about Love and Luck, check out our website, loveandluckpodcast.com. You can also find us on facebook as Love and Luck Podcast, and follow us on twitter, at @LoveLuckPodcast.

Episode 24 - Victor

[Dial tone]


ROSLYN: You've reached the Love and Luck Podcast.





JASON: Heeeey baby, how you doin'?

KANE: [Laughing] Oh my god, not right now, you idiot.

JASON: No, I'm sending you a voicemail! You said you were sad because you figured living together would mean less voicemails, so I'm helping! I'm making sure that I leave you a voicemail!!

KANE: It doesn't count if I'm here while you leave it!

JASON Hey, hey, that was never in the rules! That's not a thing! I can do whatever I want! You can't stop me!!

KANE: What if I take my clothes off? Would that stop you?

JASON: No!! I am too strong to be swayed by your wiles! You can't tempt me!

KANE: [Laughing] I love you.

JASON: [Laughing] I love you too.



KANE: Hey, just leaving you a note in case I'm still gone when you wake up, but I'm just heading out to buy some more games for the consoles. We've got that group of kids that come in almost every day after school and I think they're getting a bit bored of what we have - I asked them for some titles they were interested in, so I'm going to go buy those now. I shouldn't be long, maybe like, half an hour or so - Pat's looking after the place while I'm gone, bless them. They dropped in for coffee and figured they'd stick around for a bit.

God... do you know how happy it makes me that we have a bunch of teenagers that feel welcome and safe in our bar? I would have given almost anything to have had that when I was a kid.

Anyway, I think we should encourage it any way we can. Maybe we should start a youth group or something? No, that's probably too much, never mind.

Oh, this is my stop, I'll talk to you later!

JASON: Hey, you're still out buying games I guess - which, by the way, I'm all in favour of because it means I get to play them too.

I think the youth group is a good idea but I don't think it should be us that runs it - maybe we should ask the kids if they want to run one? Better for it to be headed by kids for kids, you know what I mean? We can support it by giving them the place for it. I'll ask them about it when they come in next.

Oh, on a similar note by the way, a gay board games meetup wants to book a regular spot with us, which is pretty cool. I've booked them in for Wednesday evenings at the moment. I think the little lounge area we have out the back is going to quickly turn into something of a function room at this rate, especially if the front bar area is busy.

Anyway. See you when you get home



JASON: Hey babe. You went to bed like, twenty minutes ago, but I already kind of miss you. There's no one else here at the moment, but that's sort of to be expected on a Tuesday night, I guess.

I gotta say, despite the whole missing you thing, I'm really into this thing where you take the early shift and I take the late one. It seems to work really well. It feels natural. Every job I've worked in the past, it was a real struggle to wake up and get to it and get into it... but this just feels like... a normal extension of my life or something, I don't know.

Also it's probably good for us, I think. I love being with you, but now we both live and work together we need to be careful not to do that, like, queer couple cliche where we basically become one person. Especially since we've got these mad empath powers with each other or whatever.

But this way, with the different shifts, there's a few hours each day where we're alone because the other is sleeping, and I think that's going to work out really well for us in the long term.

Oh, a customer just came in. See you tomorrow babe.



JASON: Hey, so, it's now 1am and a lot happened between my last voicemail and this one.

The customer I mentioned turned out to be this young bloke called Victor, and he came here because he heard we were a safe place to be. He came out to his parents, and they kicked him out today. He doesn't really have anywhere else to go, and he's really upset, poor kid. Apparently he had no idea his parents were bigots, they talked the good talk generally speaking. But when it came to one of their kids, apparently the rules change. It's fucked up.

Anyway... I set him up on the couch in the living room, and I imagine he'll still be here tomorrow when you wake up. So... yeah, here's your warning, there's a guy in our living room, don't freak out.

I assume we'll figure out exactly what to do with him tomorrow when we're both awake. Love you.



KANE: Hey honey, so I met Victor. Good kid. You know he's only 18? His parents used that fact when they turfed him, said that he was legally an adult now so he had to go fend for himself, especially if he was going to be... well, they used some very hateful terms.

He's still pretty shaken up this morning. I fed him some toast, but that seems to be about all he can stomach right now. And even to get him to that point I had to utilize some of our weird empathy magic to calm him enough.

Anyway, like you said, we'll talk about it when we're both awake, but I think we should let him stay here for a little while. He's really hurting, and the last thing anyone wants is another queer kid on the streets, you know?



JASON: Hey, so, Victor asked if he could help out a bit tonight as a thank you, and I told him he didn't have to, but he's a really serious kid. So anyway, he's stacking the dishwasher and wiping down tables, that sort of thing.

He keeps looking like he's going to burst into tears every now and then. I wish I was as good at comforting people as you are. Today you'd give him a smile or a hug or an arm on the shoulder and he'd smile and pick up a bit immediately. I'm... not that good, my way of cheering people up is usually booze or partying and I really don't think that's what Victor needs right now.

I'm soothing him with magic but I think I'm only having limited success. I think I'm just stopping a breakdown, rather than actually making him feel better. Which... I guess is better than nothing, but.. shit man, I just really wish I could do more for this kid.

[Sighs] Anyway. Things are fine down here otherwise. Love you. See you tomorrow.



ROSLYN: Love and Luck is written by Erin Kyan, and produced by Passer Vulpes Productions. Kane is voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne. Jason is voiced by Erin Kyan. Credits spoken by Roslyn Quin. Additional sound effects supplied by Kyle Evans. Recorded by Kermie Breydon.

For more information about Love and Luck, check out our website, loveandluckpodcast.com. You can also find us on facebook as Love and Luck Podcast, and follow us on twitter, at @LoveLuckPodcast.